Baby J is Three Months Old

Baby J is three months old. He now weighs 13lb 13oz and is 63cm long.

baby 3 months old

My tall, skinny boy is fattening out; just look at those gorgeous chubby legs! We have had to say goodbye to our favourite 0-3 month outfits as he is well and truly into 3-6 month clothes now. He’s also out of newborn nappies and can fit into birth-to-potty nappies as you can see (the nappy shown is from Baba & Boo).

His hand-eye coordination is getting better day by day, he loves to reach out for his toys when he is in his baby bouncer or on his play mat. He gave me the best Christmas present ever by laughing for the first time on Christmas Eve. I was upstairs doing some very last minute wrapping when I heard Ian calling me to tell me that J was laughing. It’s the best sound in the world.

christmas baby footprint card

This year I just knew that I would not be in the mood for cooking Christmas dinner so I told Ian that either he would have to do it or he would have to take us out for the day. He chose to take us out for the day – hurrah! We had a lovely Christmas dinner at The Wicked Lady in Wheathampstead. Baby J slept all the way through the starters and main and woke when I was having dessert!

I feel as though breastfeeding is well established now. I’m past the oversupply of the early days and J feeds fairly regularly now, roughly every 2 hours. He doesn’t seem to have any set times that he likes to sleep and most certainly doesn’t sleep through the night, I know he will get there in his own time.

J has his second round of jabs tomorrow. They should have been on Christmas Eve, but we delayed them for a week – which the nurse said was totally safe and fine to do – just in case he reacted to them. We didn’t want to risk having a poorly baby on Christmas!

As for the pregnancy weight, well, I received over 2 kilos of chocolate from various people as Christmas gifts, so let’s just say I’m having a little break for now!

Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month and Two Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC

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