Baby J is five months old. He now weighs 17lb 8oz and is 68cm long.
Unsurprisingly, J is wearing some of his 6-9 month outfits now. He is growing so quickly! I am seriously considering getting a job at Next because of the amount of money I spend there on clothes for my children!
J has learnt a few new things this month. He loves to spend time playing on his tummy and he has learnt how to roll from front to back. He has discovered his feet and likes to pull them right up and into his mouth. I totally forgot how flexible little babies are!
Another new thing J has discovered is his voice, so we get lots of screeches and squeals which are really cute, however it’s not so cute at 4am! J usually wakes for a feed around 3.30am and normally he falls straight back to sleep, but recently he has been wide awake for a good hour after his feed. It is thoroughly exhausting!
We’ve been doing quite a bit of babywearing and I have mastered back carries using a woven wrap. I never got the hand of back carries with N, so I was really pleased to have figured it out. It makes doing the housework a lot easier when J is unsettled, and he always falls asleep.
Poor J had a bit of an eye infection this month which made me feel sad. The doctor said he has seen lots of children with conjunctivitis recently so it has probably be caught when we’ve been to toddler groups with Little N. Eye drops helped a lot though, and amazingly so did putting a few drops of breastmilk in his eyes, a tip that my midwife had told me when J was a newborn.
Speaking of breastmilk, I’ve contacted a milk bank in London about becoming a milk donor. I’m also only a few weeks away from finishing the breastfeeding peer supporter training which is exciting but also slightly terrifying that soon I will be putting everything I’ve learnt into practise!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month, Two Month, Three Month and Four Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC