Baby J is six months old. He now weighs 18lb 8oz and is 70cm long.
This is one of my most favourite photos. J looks so content. We’d been for a walk to the park with Little N, J as usual fell asleep in the sling and so when I got home I transferred him onto the bed where he carried on napping. The sling is an Artipoppe Two Birds Ink ring sling. It’s beautiful, though sadly it’s not mine, it was just holidaying with us.
Last month J worked out how to roll from front to back, and yesterday he also learnt how to roll from back to front. Rolling back to front is the trickier of the two so I’m very proud of him, especially as N only ever rolled once as a baby! J is also starting to babble, saying “bababa” a lot. Very cute!
This month saw my first Mother’s Day as a mum of two. As you can see I was very spoilt, with breakfast in bed (carried upstairs by my toddler) and lots of little treats.
Also, it looks like we have officially begun weaning! The day before yesterday, J decided to try solid food for the first time. He often sits on my lap while I have lunch and for the last week or so he has taken food from my plate and just played with it. On Saturday, we were at a birthday party and J went mad trying to get my food, tipping my plate everywhere in the process.
I let him take a cucumber stick and this time he stuck it straight in his mouth and began to chew it. Part of me wanted to stop him and make him wait two more days until he was officially 6 months old, but the other part of me thought, “it’s not very baby-led if I’m stopping him!”
I have now finished my breastfeeding peer supporter training, all I have left to do is do a couple of assessments which are based on role-play (I hate role-play!) and send off my learning log. In a month or so, I should be ready to begin volunteering and helping other mums. I’m now also a confirmed milk donor. I’ve received the storage bottles and have done the blood tests and hope to have my first batch ready for collection soon.
My baby is half a year old already, where has that time gone!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month, Two Month, Three Month, Four Month and Five Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC