Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Elf and Fairy Party

With the boys feeling under the weather – and me too for that matter – we decided to snuggle up on the sofa in our PJs and watch our new DVD, Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Elf and Fairy Party. The new DVD has ten fun filled episodes and there is an activity book to accompany it, too. And to make lunch a little more interesting that day, I followed one of the recipes from Nanny Plum’s cookbook to make some fun caterpillar sandwiches.

ben and holly elf and fairy party dvd book review

Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Elf and Fairy Party DVD* features ten fun filled episodes starting with Lucy’s birthday party. Lucy decides to have an elf and fairy fancy dress party and a magic show, and wants Holly to do the magic. Dad thinks that isn’t a good idea, so he says that he will do the magic show and the real elves and fairies must stay hidden. The fairies try to help out though which leads to all sorts of mayhem, but in the end it is the best birthday party ever!

ben and hollys little kingdom
Little N loved the DVD, he thought it was a lot of fun and it made him laugh when there was lots of jelly everywhere during the magic show. He loved the DVD so much that we watched it twice over! I drew the line at watching it a third time though and decided it was time for lunch. We used some of the place cards and bunting that you can download for free from the Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom website to decorate the table and made caterpillar sandwiches which the boys thought were brilliant!

ben and holly caterpillar sandwiches
After lunch we had a look at the Elf and Fairy Party Sticker Activity Book*. It is full of lots of fun activities which involve puzzles, games, colouring in and lots of stickers. Little N’s favourite was putting the candles on Lucy’s cake. He counted the candles as he stuck them and enjoyed telling me all the different colours.

ben and holly sticker book

There is also an free app which is ideal for pre-schoolers and encourages them to join the celebrations through a variety of party based activities. I haven’t downloaded it for Little N yet but you can find out more about it on the official Ben and Holly website.

Are your children fans of Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom?

*review sample
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