Introducing #MyHappyCapture Instagram Project

When I first joined Instagram I didn't have a clue what I was doing. A bit like when I joined all the other social media platforms! I took photos of random things and just uploaded them without much thought. Over the last couple of months I have put more thought into my shots, refining my feed and become rather obsessed with the app!

I was named in November's top 5 Instagrammers on Britmums, featured in Amy's #LittleFierceOnes round-up and Laura named me in her top 5 Instagram mums to follow - wow! I love Instagram, it is my favourite social media channel and I can spend hours looking at my feed, liking and commenting on other people's photos.

I'll be telling you more about how I found my Instagram style and have been growing my following in a future post, but today I want to tell you about a new hashtag that my wonderful friend Katy (What Katy Said) and I are starting: #MyHappyCapture

#MyHappyCapture was actually Katy's creation and I was delighted when she asked if I would like to co-host it. In her words it is "a hashtag to celebrate your happy moments, those that make you smile". We want to use it to build a community where you can share photos that encompass happiness. It can be anything at all; your family, your pets, a new lipstick, your favourite food. Whatever has made you smile today, we want to smile with you!

Once a month Katy and I will put together a round-up post on our blogs to share our favourite photos with our readers and help others find you! So please tag your happy photos with #MyHappyCapture and let us enjoy your happy moments too.

Here are mine and Katy's accounts, of course we'd love you to follow us!

A photo posted by Sian (@quitefranklyshesaid) on
A photo posted by Katy (@whatkatysaiduk) on

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