31st March 2017
At 39 weeks pregnant my little Pip is about the size of a watermelon. She (yes, it's a girl!) is between 19-21 inches long and could weigh between 7-8lbs now. Here's what's been going on during my 39th week of pregnancy with baby number three.
Baby Development
Pip's brain continues to develop every day and she knows the sound of my voice. She is now fully grown and we are on babywatch now as she could arrive earth side any day now!
Body Changes
My bump has dropped really low; I joked to my pregnancy forum friends that if it dropped any lower it would be at my knees! I am looking very round and very due now, strangers stop me in the shops to ask how long I have left to go and the answer is days. Eeek! I find it hard to walk well now as the pressure between my legs is so intense, it is forcing me to walk like a cowboy!
Pregnancy Symptoms
I have been nesting a lot this week! I have been building all the baby furniture, I washed and ironed (yes really) the bedding for the SnuzPod so that is ready for baby's arrival. I have rearranged the living room furniture and even bought new storage for the living room. I even enjoyed cleaning the bathroom the other day and I usually hate this job! I just feel ready to have this baby now.
The midwife came to my house to do my 39 week check up. Everything is fine with my blood pressure and urine, the baby's heartbeat was perfect and my fundal height measurement is still spot on. I'm feeling less worried about having a big baby now because my fundal height measurement has been consistently spot on each week, it was just the estimates from the scans that were higher. The baby is in the cephalic position and lying down my left side, and her head was only 2/5 palpable. The midwife said she is really, really low!
I have an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday to discuss my C-section date and hopefully get a sweep, then the midwife is coming on Friday to see how I am and perform another sweep. That's if I'm actually still pregnant by then!
Antenatal Appointments
The midwife came to my house to do my 39 week check up. Everything is fine with my blood pressure and urine, the baby's heartbeat was perfect and my fundal height measurement is still spot on. I'm feeling less worried about having a big baby now because my fundal height measurement has been consistently spot on each week, it was just the estimates from the scans that were higher. The baby is in the cephalic position and lying down my left side, and her head was only 2/5 palpable. The midwife said she is really, really low!
I have an appointment with the consultant on Wednesday to discuss my C-section date and hopefully get a sweep, then the midwife is coming on Friday to see how I am and perform another sweep. That's if I'm actually still pregnant by then!
Looking Ahead
I don't really have many things left to do now. I need to do a final check of my labour bags, and perhaps pack an extra bag just in case I do need to go to hospital and end up staying, as Ian doesn't know where anything is. I could tell him but he tends not to listen so it's just easier to sort things myself. I need to attach the SnuzPod to my bed and install the car seat in my car, but other than that all the urgent things are sorted. Baby girl, I am ready for you!