Before Essie was born we received an amazing delivery of goodies from Cheeky Rascals to review. You might have seen the photo of all the boxes on my Instastories when they arrived! They sent us lots of fabulous products to help us adjust to life with a new baby and over the past few weeks they have been so helpful. I'll be giving you a closer look at each item individually and will also have a little video coming up soon about how some of the products have helped make the night-time feeds and nappy changes a little easier.
The Swaddle UP is the first stage of the Love to Dream Sleep System. It's a three stage system to help babies and toddlers feel safer and happier at naptimes and bedtimes. Babies love the cosy feeling of being swaddled and the Swaddle UP is a modern twist on traditional swaddle blankets. The innovative design allows babies the freedom to move their hips and legs, suck their hands or rub their faces, and sleep in a natural position with their arms up, whilst still having the snug comforting feeling of being swaddled.
The Swaddle UP is made with soft, stretchy cotton and can be used from birth. It replaces the need for loose sheets or blankets. We have the Original Swaddle UP which is 1 tog but you can also get Warm and Lite for colder and warmer nights. 1 tog is perfect for the kind of weather we've been having and on the box is a handy guide to show what to dress baby in depending on the temperature of the room. I am always referring to these guides as I worry so much that Essie is going to be too hot or too cold!
What is especially good about the Swaddle UP is the twin zipper on the front, as it makes night-time nappy changes easier. I can undo the zip from the bottom to be able to change her without needing to completely remove her from the sleep suit. The twin zipper also means that you can use the Swaddle UP in a stroller, as there is a little pocket at the back for the buckle to go through, but I have only used the Swaddle UP at home.
Essie is my third baby, so I'm under no illusions about how often babies wake and I know that sleepless nights are part of the package. I'm not expecting miracles, but if I can help my children to feel more settled so that they sleep better and I in turn sleep better too, then of course I'll give it a go. Essie is quite a wriggly baby and often kicks her blanket off in the night, so we are choosing to use sleep suits and sleeping bags more often now. She almost always sleeps with her arms up, just like she is in this photo, and the Swaddle UP allows her to sleep the way she likes but with the comforting feeling of being swaddled.
The Swaddle UP Original comes in three sizes: S, M and L, and has four colour choices: white, grey, pink and blue. It costs £22.99 and you can find it here!
The Swaddle UP is made with soft, stretchy cotton and can be used from birth. It replaces the need for loose sheets or blankets. We have the Original Swaddle UP which is 1 tog but you can also get Warm and Lite for colder and warmer nights. 1 tog is perfect for the kind of weather we've been having and on the box is a handy guide to show what to dress baby in depending on the temperature of the room. I am always referring to these guides as I worry so much that Essie is going to be too hot or too cold!
What is especially good about the Swaddle UP is the twin zipper on the front, as it makes night-time nappy changes easier. I can undo the zip from the bottom to be able to change her without needing to completely remove her from the sleep suit. The twin zipper also means that you can use the Swaddle UP in a stroller, as there is a little pocket at the back for the buckle to go through, but I have only used the Swaddle UP at home.
Essie is my third baby, so I'm under no illusions about how often babies wake and I know that sleepless nights are part of the package. I'm not expecting miracles, but if I can help my children to feel more settled so that they sleep better and I in turn sleep better too, then of course I'll give it a go. Essie is quite a wriggly baby and often kicks her blanket off in the night, so we are choosing to use sleep suits and sleeping bags more often now. She almost always sleeps with her arms up, just like she is in this photo, and the Swaddle UP allows her to sleep the way she likes but with the comforting feeling of being swaddled.
The Swaddle UP Original comes in three sizes: S, M and L, and has four colour choices: white, grey, pink and blue. It costs £22.99 and you can find it here!
Does your baby like to be swaddled?
With thanks to Cheeky Rascals for sending us the Swaddle UP Original to review.