I absolutely love reading birth stories as every experience is so unique, and after sharing my own three very different birth experiences [emergency C-section, natural VBAC and home birth] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their beautiful birth stories with me, too.
Some people have questioned why the feature is called "Beautiful Births", because they feel that their birth experience was far from it. My first birth experience was utterly horrendous: it was the worst day of my life, but it was also the best. And by writing my birth story and sharing what I went through it helped me to see how strong I truly was.
I want to empower other women by giving them a space to share their experiences, too. If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
Each week on my blog I'll be sharing another unique birth story with the aim of featuring as many beautiful, amazing birth experiences as possible. You'll find links to them all below.
Beautiful Births #11 - Adele's Home Water Birth
Beautiful Births #12 - Laura's Induction & Emergency C-Section
Beautiful Births #13 - Lisa's Planned Breech C-Section
Beautiful Births #14 - Jessica's Placental Abruption & Emergency C-Section
Beautiful Births #15 - Claire's Positive Second Birth
Beautiful Births #16 - Kelly's Emergency C-Section at 30 Weeks
Beautiful Births #17 - Kelly's VBAC
Beautiful Births #18 - Laura's Drug-Free Birth
Beautiful Births #19 - Sadie's Induction
Beautiful Births #20 - Jo's Home Water Birth
Beautiful Births #21 - Karen's Overdue Birth
Beautiful Births #22 - Ana's Induction due to Gestational Diabetes
Beautiful Births #23 - Becka's Unplanned C-Section
Beautiful Births #24 - Nadine's Hospital Birth
Beautiful Births #25 - Sara's Back-to-Back Labour
Beautiful Births #26 - Ami's Hospital Birth & NICU Stay
Beautiful Births #12 - Laura's Induction & Emergency C-Section
Beautiful Births #13 - Lisa's Planned Breech C-Section
Beautiful Births #14 - Jessica's Placental Abruption & Emergency C-Section
Beautiful Births #15 - Claire's Positive Second Birth
Beautiful Births #16 - Kelly's Emergency C-Section at 30 Weeks
Beautiful Births #17 - Kelly's VBAC
Beautiful Births #18 - Laura's Drug-Free Birth
Beautiful Births #19 - Sadie's Induction
Beautiful Births #20 - Jo's Home Water Birth
Beautiful Births #21 - Karen's Overdue Birth
Beautiful Births #22 - Ana's Induction due to Gestational Diabetes
Beautiful Births #23 - Becka's Unplanned C-Section
Beautiful Births #24 - Nadine's Hospital Birth
Beautiful Births #25 - Sara's Back-to-Back Labour
Beautiful Births #26 - Ami's Hospital Birth & NICU Stay