Hello Fresh - Meal 2

Last week I showed you how I got on making Hail Caesar Salad with Roasted Lime and Herb Chicken, which was one of the meals in my first ever Hello Fresh delivery. Hello Fresh offer a weekly box full of all the fresh ingredients required to make delicious meals from scratch, along with the recipe cards to guide you through it. The service is £39 for a box with three meals for two people, though they have different subscriptions if you want more meals per week or have more mouths to feed!

In my Hello Fresh box last week I had all the ingredients to make Hail Caesar Salad with Roasted Lime and Herb Chicken, Pan-Fried Salmon with Homemade Guacamole and New Potatoes and Chicken Curry of Champions with Basmati Rice. Here’s how I got on with the Pan-Fried Salmon with Homemade Guacamole.

Hello Fresh ingredients
Hello Fresh cooked!

This was my favourite meal from the box and my boyfriend said it was his favourite too. So much so that he has bought all the ingredients so we can make it again this weekend. Yummy! I never knew that making guacamole was so easy, I will never again buy one of those pre-made tubs!

Next week I’ll show you what else we made. In the meantime, if you’d like to try a box yourself here is a my referral code which will get you £20 off your first box! The code is C4MJSY, just pop over to www.hellofresh.co.uk to get going!

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