Lush Space Girl Bath Bomb

Out of all the bath bombs that Lush make (which I swear used to be called bath ballistics!) my current favourite is Space Girl. It’s shaped to look like Saturn, though as I typed that I thought perhaps it’s meant to look like a flying saucer. It’s a gorgeous lilac colour and covered in glitter. I always try to pick out the one with the most glitter because I love it though I know some people hate the stuff!
Bath bombs are so easy to use, simply drop into your bath and watch it fizz about. I sometimes crack bath bombs in half to get more use out of them especially the bigger ones. This one I tend to use in one go as it’s so much fun! As it fizzes away it turns your bath water a lovely glittery lilac shade and it releases popping candy which makes teeny tiny explosions in water. The first time I ever used it I didn’t realise it had popping candy in it, you can imagine my surprised face!

To me Space Girls smells like a cross between parma violets and berry sweets which is strange when you realise that it’s actually a very citrus bath bomb; Grapefruit oil is the featured ingredient along with Bergamot oil and Almond oil. Weird, it definitely smells more like berries and parma violets to me.

It’s not a particularly moisturising bath bomb despite the almond oil, though it’s not drying either. It’s just a lovely, relaxing product to use which smells great and is a lot of fun. You can buy Space Girl bath bombs for £2.10 each from Lush stores or from their website.
What’s your favourite Lush bath bomb?

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