NOTD: Ciate Paint Pot in Pom Pom & China Glaze in Techno

Now I’m on maternity leave I have a bit of extra time on my hands and whilst I seem to spend most of my time cleaning cupboards and rearranging tea bags (it’s the nesting instinct!) I am trying to set aside a little bit of “me time” each day.

Ciate Paint Pot Pom Pom China Glaze Techno 1

I decided to do my nails and thought I would try out my latest nail polish, Ciate Paint Pot in Pom Pom, which I got in my Selfridges Beauty Box. It’s a vibrant red with a slight orange tone to it. It applied like a dream and in just two coats my nails were perfectly covered. It’s such a fun, bright shade and makes me feel a little glam.

Ciate Paint Pot Pom Pom China Glaze Techno

The last time I had gel nails done, I had a little glitter applied to my ring fingernails and really liked it. So I decided to add some glitter to this nail look by applying China Glaze in Techno to my pinky fingernails. I love this glitter polish as it has tiny glitter particles as well as bigger hexagonal chunks and it looks fab when the light hits it. I applied two coats of this to each pinky nail.

Ciate Paint Pot Pom Pom China Glaze Techno 2

It’s been three days since I did my nails with this look and despite all my manic cleaning my nails have not chipped at all. This is the first Ciate polish I’ve actually ever bought, well, technically I didn’t even buy it as it was a “sorry!” from Selfridges, but anyway I’m impressed with it so will definitely be looking to try more of them.

Let me know if you have any favourite Ciate shades that you think I should try!


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