Selfridges Beauty Box – The Alternative Box

Last month Selfridges released a one-off special limited edition beauty box to celebrate the launch of their new Beauty Workshop. The box cost £15 plus £4.95 shipping, yet contained over £100 worth of amazing products. Unsurprisingly it sold out before most of us had even woken up so a few hours later Selfridges released another batch for sale – woohoo!

I failed miserably at trying to order a box but my wonderful fiancé managed to order one for me - yay! Only to receive a phone call from Selfridges a couple of days later to say they had oversold the boxes – boo. But not to worry, they were going to put together an alternative box and refund the shipping charge – yay!

Selfridges limited edition beauty box

I finally got my Selfridges beauty box a week or so ago and I’m really happy. The box contains six of the seven products from the original box, one alternative product and one additional product to say sorry. So here’s what I got in my Selfridges Beauty Box:

Omorovicza Deep Cleansing Mask 5ml – Philip B Katira Hair Masque 60ml – Estelle & Thild Lipbalm 15ml – Antipodes Divine Face Oil 30ml – Stila One Step Correct 30ml – Bioeffect EGF Serum 5ml -Aesop Remove 15ml - Ciate Miniature Paint Pot

Selfridges limited edition beauty box contents

Yes, it was a little disappointing having to wait and I know a lot of people were annoyed with Selfridges for over-selling, but I think that they have handled it really well. They could have just said “sorry, no more boxes, here’s a refund.” Yet they spent the time to put together an alternative. 

Also, refunding the shipping charge was a nice touch and yielded a further bonus for us. My fiancé chased up his refund as after a few weeks it still hadn’t been done, so to say sorry for the delay they sent him a £15 e-voucher instead. He spent it on a gorgeous little Jellycat owl for Bump.

Jellycat Owl

I think you’ll agree that things worked out pretty nicely!

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