Daisy Baby Tinies

Today Baby N & I went to our first Daisy Baby Tinies class at Harmony in Hitchin. I had been to Daisy Birthing while pregnant and loved it, so thought Daisy Baby Tinies would be a fab continuation.

“Daisy Baby is all about Active Bonding (completely baby led of course).   It combines the much loved baby sun saluation routines, getting to know each other exercises, soft movements and relaxations for mum and baby, white noise exercises, social baby time, anxiety releasing exercises to help with new mum jitters, alongside vital education to help you understand the 4th trimester and make the most of these early days with your baby.

The class started with bringing our babies into the middle so they could see each other, and doing some big bouncing movements. Baby N had a huge smile on his face, he’s never seen another baby before – well, he thinks he has seen one in the mirror – but he seemed mostly interested in looking at Teresa, the teacher. I wondered if he recognised her voice from when I went to Daisy Birthing!

We then laid our babies down on our mats and did some yoga movements; rolling cobras over our babies and sitting back with our arms in the air. Every time I moved over Baby N I gave him a little kiss on his nose. It wasn't part of the yoga, I just added it in to make him feel more reassured. He was giggling and looking at me as if to say, “Mummy, what on earth are you doing?!”

Next was baby massage time. As this was the first class this was done with the babies’ clothes still on to get them used to it. We did some heart movements and criss-cross movements over their chests, then some circling movements on their tummies, but at this point Baby N decided he was hungry so he had a feed while I watched the rest of the massage. Hopefully we’ll better time his feeds next week so he can enjoy the full massage!

We brought our babies into the middle again for story time which included little movements such as wiggling and lifting our babies into the air. It certainly gave my arms a work out! Then it was time for a little work on our mummy tummies, so our babies were laid on our mats with us alongside them while we did some tummy exercise.

Finally, it was relaxation time which you could do lying down or sitting if your baby needed to be held. I lay down next to Baby N and curled around him with my hand on his tummy so he would hopefully be relaxed too. He jabbered through the whole thing but it was still nice and soothing.

Baby N was so good all the way through and only got upset after the class had ended. It was an hour long so he was ready for his nap! We really enjoyed it and it was so nice to see a mum who was on Daisy Birthing with me. It’s so weird to see each other with babies now, when we've been used to seeing each other with bumps!

You can find out more about Daisy Baby Tinies in Hitchin here: http://harmony-hitchin.co.uk/product/daisy%20baby or for classes in other parts of the country here:http://www.thelazydaisychain.co.uk/

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