90 Day Spending Ban – Update #4

I’ve been on the 90 Day Spending Ban for 47 days now so over half-way, woohoo! I have just one simple rule, I cannot buy something new if I have that type of product already in my stash. You can read Update #1 here, Update #2 here and Update #3 here.

I haven’t got through that much stuff since my last update, just shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, hair oil and handwash. I have picked out miniatures of L’Occitane Verbena Shampoo and Conditioner that I got in a gift set after my baby was born and a small bottle of Molton Brown Rose Granati handwash from a Christmas gift set. I also used some samples of Aveda Smooth Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner that came in a She Said Beauty box last year. I picked out a Crabtree & Evelyn India Hicks Hand Therapy. And finally I picked out a bottle of Ojon Damage Reverse Instant Restorative Hair Serum that was part of my prize from Kym’s giveaway. The total saved this time round is £36.07 bringing the total saved so far to £175.38.
I did get something new though, I got an Eyebrow Palette from HD Brows in Vamp. However I still didn’t break the spending ban as I bought it with a voucher that I got for my birthday last year!
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