Baby N’s Next Summer Sale Spending Spree

Don’t worry, I wasn’t queuing at 5am outside the store on Saturday. Oh no, I was still snuggled up in bed. The Next store in my town is quite small so I think that the serious bargain hunters head to the bigger store in the neighbouring town. They must do, because when I popped in at midday the sales racks were still pretty full!

I don’t shop in Next for myself but I love their clothes for Baby N; his wardrobe must be about 90% Next! So I got lots of gorgeous bits for him; 5 minutes and £56 later we came out with 6 t-shirts, 2 jumpers, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pairs of trousers and a dungaree set. Take a look:



I really love the stripy monster t-shirt and the stripy jumper – stripes are my favourite! Baby N has only just turned 8 months but he’s been wearing 9-12 months clothes for a while, so I bought quite a few of these items in size 12-18 months ready for when he outgrows his current wardrobe. The thing is, the really cute baby stuff seems to stop at 12 months then everything bigger is quite grown up looking and it makes me feel a teeny bit sad about how quickly my baby is growing up!

Have you been hitting the sales?


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