Dino-Daisy Amber

A couple of weeks ago I thought I’d better get prepared for the arrival of Baby N’s teeth and, more importantly, the pain they can cause. I ordered an adjustable toddler anklet made from raw Baltic amber from Dino-Daisy for him to wear. While I was browsing I also ordered a polished Baltic amber stretchy bracelet for me! My bracelet cost £10.50 and the anklet £8.50, plus P&P.


Dino Daisy baltic raw amber adjustable toddler anklet

Dino Daisy bracelet stretchy baltic amber multi colour


Baltic amber is high in succinic acid which helps to heal wounds and reduce inflammation, which is why you’ll see so many little ones wearing amber jewellery as it helps ease the pain of teething. I used to hold a chunk of amber when I was in the later stages of pregnancy as it helps combat fatigue!

Raw amber is said to contain more succinic acid than polished amber so I got raw for Baby N’s anklet. He’s been wearing it for about 2 weeks and yesterday I noticed that he is cutting his first tooth! He has seemingly had no bother at all; no crying, no red cheeks, none of the classic signs of teething. I’m sure it’s down to wearing his anklet. It’s advised that they’re not suitable for children under 36 months as the beads could be a choking hazard so obviously I’m very careful when Baby N is wearing it.

As well as amber jewellery Dino-Daisy has other gemstone jewellery and gorgeous sterling silver jewellery; I definitely think you should take a look!



  1. oh yes, DS has been known to BITE from a very early age(baby bites made without teeth, you get the picture)!!!

    I've aware of the above ethical product, love them:-)

    I'm surprised I'm still nursing!


    1. I've had a couple of gummy nips but thankfully he seems to have passed that phase! xx

  2. I have heard a lot about amber necklaces but I have never used one for my girl's. I think I need to invest in something though as my youngest will be teething soon and she is already so dribbly and wants to eat everything! x

    1. N now has a 2nd tooth cutting through! xx

  3. Have been thinking about ordering one of these for when our time comes. I wasn't sure how the adjustable bit worked so didn't know if it would fit - so thanks for the pic! I'm definitely off to order one, although I hope we have some time yet before teeth appear!
    Sarah x

    1. I was so lucky I left it really late to get one and BOOM two weeks later we have 2 teeth coming through! xx

  4. Wow! I didn't know Amber was so powerful. I love these, so cute. <3

  5. These look pretty fab! Quite like amber jewellery!


  6. I'm not in any way having a go or an attack or whatever, I just wondered where you heard of these and is there any studies or any evidence for them working? I'm so super sceptical on stuff that claims to be a miracle cure for parents as we are so desperate to help (and spend money on) our kiddies in any way we can. I totally respect your parenting decisions not trying to be argumentative lol just interested in your point of view x.x.

    1. That's okay! Using amber to combat fatigue I read about in one of the pregnancy magazines, I don't know which one as I used to buy them all haha!
      Amber for teething I heard about through several of my parenting groups, I have lost count of how many people have recommended it. The succinic acid is mostly in the outer layer of the amber, which is why raw is better, and it's absorbed through the skin. It doesn't claim to be a miracle cure any more than you'd view calpol to be a miracle cure. But it does have anti-inflammatory properties which is why it helps teething so much.
      Medicines like paracetamol puts a lot of stress on the liver, especially a tiny baby's liver, so I'd much rather use something like this to relief any pain
      Google succinic acid, or amber acid, and you'll get a plethora of information xx

  7. I had no idea amber had so many properties! So glad it's working for baby N! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

  8. wow! I never knew this about Amber, saving that in my brainbox for when babies come along! xx

    1. Yup, bank it in your "future baby" section ;) xx

  9. Weird to think an anklet could help teething! Both look lovely too, I might need to check the shop out! Xo

  10. Oh wow!!!! I love amber but had no idea it was so special and amazing. These look so lovely and cute xx

    www.MissMakeupMagpie.com ❤

    1. They are really cute, especially the anklet xx


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