I’ve been offline for the best part of a week whilst sorting the final arrangements for Baby N’s first birthday. Yes, my teeny little guy turned one on Monday! I really don’t know where the last year has gone, it still feels like only yesterday that he was born. More on all that to come soon!
I have so many new posts in the pipeline and so many emails to catch up with, but for now, I’ll leave you with a taster of N’s birthday cake. It’s a Heap of Cake by the super talented The Cakey Lady. Eight pieces of gooey brownie, three of them “dressed” as Batman, Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk, and drizzled with white chocolate. This is the smallest of the sizes, the biggest one has a whopping 32 pieces of cake and has other superhero “accessories” too!
The Cakey Lady Facebook page is updated all the time with her amazing creations, in fact that’s how I came across her. Do take a look!
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PS. Don’t forget to enter my giveaway – you could win a Betrousse Glitz & Glamour Beauty Box!