Baby J is three months old. He now weighs 13lb 13oz and is 63cm long.
My tall, skinny boy is fattening out; just look at those gorgeous chubby legs! We have had to say goodbye to our favourite 0-3 month outfits as he is well and truly into 3-6 month clothes now. He’s also out of newborn nappies and can fit into birth-to-potty nappies as you can see (the nappy shown is from Baba & Boo).
His hand-eye coordination is getting better day by day, he loves to reach out for his toys when he is in his baby bouncer or on his play mat. He gave me the best Christmas present ever by laughing for the first time on Christmas Eve. I was upstairs doing some very last minute wrapping when I heard Ian calling me to tell me that J was laughing. It’s the best sound in the world.
This year I just knew that I would not be in the mood for cooking Christmas dinner so I told Ian that either he would have to do it or he would have to take us out for the day. He chose to take us out for the day – hurrah! We had a lovely Christmas dinner at The Wicked Lady in Wheathampstead. Baby J slept all the way through the starters and main and woke when I was having dessert!
I feel as though breastfeeding is well established now. I’m past the oversupply of the early days and J feeds fairly regularly now, roughly every 2 hours. He doesn’t seem to have any set times that he likes to sleep and most certainly doesn’t sleep through the night, I know he will get there in his own time.
J has his second round of jabs tomorrow. They should have been on Christmas Eve, but we delayed them for a week – which the nurse said was totally safe and fine to do – just in case he reacted to them. We didn’t want to risk having a poorly baby on Christmas!
As for the pregnancy weight, well, I received over 2 kilos of chocolate from various people as Christmas gifts, so let’s just say I’m having a little break for now!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month and Two Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC
Baby J is Three Months Old
Baby J is three months old. He now weighs 13lb 13oz and is 63cm long.
My tall, skinny boy is fattening out; just look at those gorgeous chubby legs! We have had to say goodbye to our favourite 0-3 month outfits as he is well and truly into 3-6 month clothes now. He’s also out of newborn nappies and can fit into birth-to-potty nappies as you can see (the nappy shown is from Baba & Boo).
His hand-eye coordination is getting better day by day, he loves to reach out for his toys when he is in his baby bouncer or on his play mat. He gave me the best Christmas present ever by laughing for the first time on Christmas Eve. I was upstairs doing some very last minute wrapping when I heard Ian calling me to tell me that J was laughing. It’s the best sound in the world.
This year I just knew that I would not be in the mood for cooking Christmas dinner so I told Ian that either he would have to do it or he would have to take us out for the day. He chose to take us out for the day – hurrah! We had a lovely Christmas dinner at The Wicked Lady in Wheathampstead. Baby J slept all the way through the starters and main and woke when I was having dessert!
I feel as though breastfeeding is well established now. I’m past the oversupply of the early days and J feeds fairly regularly now, roughly every 2 hours. He doesn’t seem to have any set times that he likes to sleep and most certainly doesn’t sleep through the night, I know he will get there in his own time.
J has his second round of jabs tomorrow. They should have been on Christmas Eve, but we delayed them for a week – which the nurse said was totally safe and fine to do – just in case he reacted to them. We didn’t want to risk having a poorly baby on Christmas!
As for the pregnancy weight, well, I received over 2 kilos of chocolate from various people as Christmas gifts, so let’s just say I’m having a little break for now!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month and Two Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC
Baby J is two months old. He now weighs 12lb 4.5oz and is 60cm long.
J is very tall like his brother! I am very short so I’m hoping that my boys have got the tall genes that my own little (big) brother got! J has quickly outgrew his newborn clothes and he has even outgrown some of his 0-3 month outfits. I’d knitted a little hat when I was pregnant but his head is already too big for it. It’s kind of sad how quickly they grow.
My beautiful boy showed us his gorgeous smile for the first time this month. My heart totally melted. Of course, the first time I wasn’t sure if it was a real smile or not, “was it just wind?” But he did it a few more times and it was always in response to us playing with him, so that’s when we counted it as a genuine first smile :)
The initial flurry of visitors has calmed down now, meaning that normality has resumed. We had Little N’s second birthday earlier this month. I knew we would be really busy what with having a new baby, so I decided not to have a party for him this year. Instead we spent the day as a family and took him to soft play, for lunch and then for ice-cream.
I’m enjoying getting out and about with both of my boys but I get a little stressed with the logistics. I tried a Phil & Ted’s double buggy but it was an older style one and I just found it too heavy. I’ve tried looking online at other double pushchairs but it is a total minefield, there are so many! So, for now, I am sticking with my Quinny Buzz and I am borrowing a Lascal Maxi buggy board from my friend to see how my toddler gets on with it before getting one ourselves.
I have also been using my slings A LOT – the one in the photo above is a Kokadi Noah im wunderland woven wrap – so that I have my hands free to play with and help N. I also have a ringsling, some longer wraps and a soft structured carrier. The weather is not too bad at the moment so we have been walking to the park or to toddler groups close to home and the slings are great for this, especially as J pretty much sleeps the whole time he’s being carried.
J had his first set of jabs last week and I am pleased to say that I didn’t cry like I did with N’s first jabs! J was very brave, just a little cry then he fell back to sleep again.
I’m really happy to say that breastfeeding is still going well. We’ve just gotten over a bit of a growth spurt so I’ve feeling pretty tired from the night feeds, I keep reminding myself that it’s not forever though. I’m part of a Facebook group of mums who were all due around the same time as me so I take comfort in their support when I’m struggling at night.
Speaking of breastfeeding, I have started training to become a breastfeeding peer supporter, so that I can help other mums who might need a little support. I had a lot of help with feeding N so I know only too well how important the right support can be. I do wonder if I am crazy taking on a training course while I have such a young baby, and a toddler, but I’ve been waiting so long for an opportunity that I just can’t pass it up. Fingers crossed it will all go well and I won’t exhaust myself!
I’ve lost quite a bit of my pregnancy weight, over a stone has gone. But the weight loss has plateaued and I still have so much more to lose. For now I’m not getting too stressed about it, I’ll just hang on to the maternity jeans for a little while longer!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month update, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC
Baby J is Two Months Old
Baby J is two months old. He now weighs 12lb 4.5oz and is 60cm long.
J is very tall like his brother! I am very short so I’m hoping that my boys have got the tall genes that my own little (big) brother got! J has quickly outgrew his newborn clothes and he has even outgrown some of his 0-3 month outfits. I’d knitted a little hat when I was pregnant but his head is already too big for it. It’s kind of sad how quickly they grow.
My beautiful boy showed us his gorgeous smile for the first time this month. My heart totally melted. Of course, the first time I wasn’t sure if it was a real smile or not, “was it just wind?” But he did it a few more times and it was always in response to us playing with him, so that’s when we counted it as a genuine first smile :)
The initial flurry of visitors has calmed down now, meaning that normality has resumed. We had Little N’s second birthday earlier this month. I knew we would be really busy what with having a new baby, so I decided not to have a party for him this year. Instead we spent the day as a family and took him to soft play, for lunch and then for ice-cream.
I’m enjoying getting out and about with both of my boys but I get a little stressed with the logistics. I tried a Phil & Ted’s double buggy but it was an older style one and I just found it too heavy. I’ve tried looking online at other double pushchairs but it is a total minefield, there are so many! So, for now, I am sticking with my Quinny Buzz and I am borrowing a Lascal Maxi buggy board from my friend to see how my toddler gets on with it before getting one ourselves.
I have also been using my slings A LOT – the one in the photo above is a Kokadi Noah im wunderland woven wrap – so that I have my hands free to play with and help N. I also have a ringsling, some longer wraps and a soft structured carrier. The weather is not too bad at the moment so we have been walking to the park or to toddler groups close to home and the slings are great for this, especially as J pretty much sleeps the whole time he’s being carried.
J had his first set of jabs last week and I am pleased to say that I didn’t cry like I did with N’s first jabs! J was very brave, just a little cry then he fell back to sleep again.
I’m really happy to say that breastfeeding is still going well. We’ve just gotten over a bit of a growth spurt so I’ve feeling pretty tired from the night feeds, I keep reminding myself that it’s not forever though. I’m part of a Facebook group of mums who were all due around the same time as me so I take comfort in their support when I’m struggling at night.
Speaking of breastfeeding, I have started training to become a breastfeeding peer supporter, so that I can help other mums who might need a little support. I had a lot of help with feeding N so I know only too well how important the right support can be. I do wonder if I am crazy taking on a training course while I have such a young baby, and a toddler, but I’ve been waiting so long for an opportunity that I just can’t pass it up. Fingers crossed it will all go well and I won’t exhaust myself!
I’ve lost quite a bit of my pregnancy weight, over a stone has gone. But the weight loss has plateaued and I still have so much more to lose. For now I’m not getting too stressed about it, I’ll just hang on to the maternity jeans for a little while longer!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month update, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC
Out of all the reusable nappy brands the one that most people will have heard of is Bambino Mio. They are the leading brand of reusable nappies and accessories worldwide and their availability in many high street shops and supermarkets as well as online means that most cloth bum families have at least one of their adorable award-winning nappies in their fluffy stash.
The Bambino Mio Miosolo nappy is an all-in-one reusable nappy designed to fit from birth-to-potty. It comes in a range of gorgeous colours and prints, such as the Peppermint Cream and Elephant Parade nappies we were sent to try. It has a soft absorbent inner, a stay-dry layer to keep moisture away from your baby’s skin and a waterproof outer layer to prevent leaks. It has adjustable snaps on the rise so that the size can be changed to fit most babies from birth right through to potty training.
The nappy has a long, soft, absorbent core which is inserted into the pocket of the nappy, then you simply use the Velcro tabs to secure the nappy in place in exactly the same way you would with a disposable nappy. You can use a liner in the nappy if you wish, such as Bambino Mio Mioliners which are my go-to liners as they don’t disintegrate or tear when wet like some other brands I’ve tried, and you can also pop in a Mioboost booster for using at night or if you have a particularly heavy wetter.
Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies are incredibly soft and stretchy and even after several 60 degree washes they have stayed soft and comfortable. We’ve not seen any fading to the Velcro or prints, just the Bambino Mio label. The nappy outer has stayed as bright and vivid as when they first arrived. They are extremely quick to dry which is especially important for us as we line-dry our laundry and nappies rather than tumble-dry.
In my experience, no onesize nappy has fit either of my babies from birth but once they have put on a bit of weight and, more importantly, filled out in the thighs the nappies have fitted when adjusted to the smallest setting. On the other hand, the Miosolo is the only onesize nappy that will last until potty training with Little N, as they are the only ones that he has not yet outgrown!
They have the slimmest fit out of all the all-in-one nappies we have tried yet in my opinion they are also the most absorbent lasting a good 2-3 hours before I need to change. I have never experienced a leak from a Miosolo which is not something I can say for some other nappies, including disposables! They have quickly become the nappies that I reach for first, especially when we are going out for the day as I know they are reliable and won’t spring a leak if Little N or Baby J fall asleep unexpectedly.
I’m often asked for reusable nappy advice and Bambino Mio are the brand I tend to recommend first because I know they are reliable. Their all-in-one Miosolo will fit most babies and toddlers comfortably and their two-piece Miosoft nappies are perfect for newborn babies. Their range is jam-packed with all the nappy accessories you could ever need as well as potty training and swimming accessories, and recently they have brought out a range of beautiful Swaddling Blankets too!
Head over to to discover more about this brilliant range of reusable nappies and accessories.
Disclosure: I received these nappies for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own. With thanks to Bambino Mio.
REVIEW: Bambino Mio Miosolo Cloth Nappies
Out of all the reusable nappy brands the one that most people will have heard of is Bambino Mio. They are the leading brand of reusable nappies and accessories worldwide and their availability in many high street shops and supermarkets as well as online means that most cloth bum families have at least one of their adorable award-winning nappies in their fluffy stash.
The Bambino Mio Miosolo nappy is an all-in-one reusable nappy designed to fit from birth-to-potty. It comes in a range of gorgeous colours and prints, such as the Peppermint Cream and Elephant Parade nappies we were sent to try. It has a soft absorbent inner, a stay-dry layer to keep moisture away from your baby’s skin and a waterproof outer layer to prevent leaks. It has adjustable snaps on the rise so that the size can be changed to fit most babies from birth right through to potty training.
The nappy has a long, soft, absorbent core which is inserted into the pocket of the nappy, then you simply use the Velcro tabs to secure the nappy in place in exactly the same way you would with a disposable nappy. You can use a liner in the nappy if you wish, such as Bambino Mio Mioliners which are my go-to liners as they don’t disintegrate or tear when wet like some other brands I’ve tried, and you can also pop in a Mioboost booster for using at night or if you have a particularly heavy wetter.
Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies are incredibly soft and stretchy and even after several 60 degree washes they have stayed soft and comfortable. We’ve not seen any fading to the Velcro or prints, just the Bambino Mio label. The nappy outer has stayed as bright and vivid as when they first arrived. They are extremely quick to dry which is especially important for us as we line-dry our laundry and nappies rather than tumble-dry.
In my experience, no onesize nappy has fit either of my babies from birth but once they have put on a bit of weight and, more importantly, filled out in the thighs the nappies have fitted when adjusted to the smallest setting. On the other hand, the Miosolo is the only onesize nappy that will last until potty training with Little N, as they are the only ones that he has not yet outgrown!
They have the slimmest fit out of all the all-in-one nappies we have tried yet in my opinion they are also the most absorbent lasting a good 2-3 hours before I need to change. I have never experienced a leak from a Miosolo which is not something I can say for some other nappies, including disposables! They have quickly become the nappies that I reach for first, especially when we are going out for the day as I know they are reliable and won’t spring a leak if Little N or Baby J fall asleep unexpectedly.
I’m often asked for reusable nappy advice and Bambino Mio are the brand I tend to recommend first because I know they are reliable. Their all-in-one Miosolo will fit most babies and toddlers comfortably and their two-piece Miosoft nappies are perfect for newborn babies. Their range is jam-packed with all the nappy accessories you could ever need as well as potty training and swimming accessories, and recently they have brought out a range of beautiful Swaddling Blankets too!
Head over to to discover more about this brilliant range of reusable nappies and accessories.
Disclosure: I received these nappies for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own. With thanks to Bambino Mio.
Baby J is one month old. He now weighs 9lb 10oz and is 56cm long.
My first month as a mother of two has gone surprisingly well. I was discharged from the hospital two hours after J was born, although we hung about for a couple more hours so we could take our time and enjoy lots of skin-to-skin. We got home around 9pm and ordered a massive Chinese takeaway. It felt very surreal to be eating chow mein while a 6 hour old baby slept next to me!
J has taken to breastfeeding like a pro; he latched on soon after birth and there have been no issues at all. I didn’t need the stash of colostrum that I’d expressed ante-natally after all! I forgot how much of a shock it is the first time your baby latches on; it’s not a horrible feeling, it’s just a bit strange. My milk came in a lot quicker this time round which my midwife had said would probably happen. With Little N it came in on day 4 and this time it came in on day 2. I guess the c-section delayed it last time, along with the breastfeeding difficulties.
I had a first-degree tear during the birth but it seems to have healed well. I haven’t experienced any pain or discomfort. Apart from feeling like I had a bruised tailbone the day after the birth, I just didn’t feel like I’d had a baby at all! The total opposite to how I felt after Little N’s birth. J is sleeping a lot, so even though he is feeding a lot at night he just falls straight to sleep after so I’m getting a lot of rest. Recently he has started to cluster feed in the evenings so he must be going through a growth spurt.
J’s first month has been super busy. In order for us to be discharged so quickly it meant that none of his newborn checks were done at the hospital, so we have had an extra visit from the community midwives as well as having to visit a health centre in the next town to get them done. I asked the midwife to come out a further time because J’s eyes got really gunky. We’ve also registered his birth and made him official.
Little N came home from my Dad’s the day after the birth. He has been the most amazing big brother. I am SO proud of him. He immediately wanted to hold J and cuddle and kiss him. He is so gentle and tender and wants to help. I am so lucky that they have a great bond already.
My Dad has wanted to visit A LOT. To the point that I haven’t really been able to see anyone else because my Dad is always here and it would just be too much to have other people over as well. Aside from my Dad, we’ve seen Ian’s parents, Ian’s sister and one of my friends. Hopefully J will get to meet other friends and family members soon, if my Dad lets them get a look in!
I’ve been really aware that Little N’s whole world has been turned upside down, so I have been keen to resume our regular activities as soon as possible. We ventured back out to our toddler groups when J was 6 days old, the day that Ian went back to work. That raised a lot of eyebrows from other mums who thought I was mad to be out so soon. I think I have still been riding the hormone high because I have had bags of energy! I’m hoping it will last, but I know that’s probably wishful thinking!
Baby J is One Month Old
Baby J is one month old. He now weighs 9lb 10oz and is 56cm long.
My first month as a mother of two has gone surprisingly well. I was discharged from the hospital two hours after J was born, although we hung about for a couple more hours so we could take our time and enjoy lots of skin-to-skin. We got home around 9pm and ordered a massive Chinese takeaway. It felt very surreal to be eating chow mein while a 6 hour old baby slept next to me!
J has taken to breastfeeding like a pro; he latched on soon after birth and there have been no issues at all. I didn’t need the stash of colostrum that I’d expressed ante-natally after all! I forgot how much of a shock it is the first time your baby latches on; it’s not a horrible feeling, it’s just a bit strange. My milk came in a lot quicker this time round which my midwife had said would probably happen. With Little N it came in on day 4 and this time it came in on day 2. I guess the c-section delayed it last time, along with the breastfeeding difficulties.
I had a first-degree tear during the birth but it seems to have healed well. I haven’t experienced any pain or discomfort. Apart from feeling like I had a bruised tailbone the day after the birth, I just didn’t feel like I’d had a baby at all! The total opposite to how I felt after Little N’s birth. J is sleeping a lot, so even though he is feeding a lot at night he just falls straight to sleep after so I’m getting a lot of rest. Recently he has started to cluster feed in the evenings so he must be going through a growth spurt.
J’s first month has been super busy. In order for us to be discharged so quickly it meant that none of his newborn checks were done at the hospital, so we have had an extra visit from the community midwives as well as having to visit a health centre in the next town to get them done. I asked the midwife to come out a further time because J’s eyes got really gunky. We’ve also registered his birth and made him official.
Little N came home from my Dad’s the day after the birth. He has been the most amazing big brother. I am SO proud of him. He immediately wanted to hold J and cuddle and kiss him. He is so gentle and tender and wants to help. I am so lucky that they have a great bond already.
My Dad has wanted to visit A LOT. To the point that I haven’t really been able to see anyone else because my Dad is always here and it would just be too much to have other people over as well. Aside from my Dad, we’ve seen Ian’s parents, Ian’s sister and one of my friends. Hopefully J will get to meet other friends and family members soon, if my Dad lets them get a look in!
I’ve been really aware that Little N’s whole world has been turned upside down, so I have been keen to resume our regular activities as soon as possible. We ventured back out to our toddler groups when J was 6 days old, the day that Ian went back to work. That raised a lot of eyebrows from other mums who thought I was mad to be out so soon. I think I have still been riding the hormone high because I have had bags of energy! I’m hoping it will last, but I know that’s probably wishful thinking!
My mother-in-law gave me this deluxe sample tube of Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask earlier this year and like most beauty products I get it went into the drawers of doom until I was recently rummaging through, looking for something to sooth the dry skin I’ve been suffering with.
Clarins say this mask provides intense comfort for dehydrated skin and will restore freshness and radiance within 5 to 10 minutes. Its key ingredients are hyaluronic acid to restore the skin's water reserves, katafray extract to reinforce the barrier effect of the outer layer of the skin, and extracts of rowan tree buds to boost the skin's radiance.
I applied a layer of the creamy white mask to my face and neck and left it to work for the full 10 minutes. It has a rather clinical smell to it, it reminds me of Savlon! Not unpleasant, just surprising. After 10 minutes I removed the excess mask with some toner-soaked cotton wool as the instructions suggest, then applied my usual moisturiser.
I can’t say that I have experienced any of the benefits that were promised, even with subsequent use, which is disappointing to say the least. It’s quite an expensive mask, normally costing £33.00 for a 75ml tube, so I did expect better especially from a brand like Clarins as their products are normally really good.
You can buy Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask from retailers such as John Lewis and Escentual as well as from Clarins directly.
Have you tried this mask? What did you think?
Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask
My mother-in-law gave me this deluxe sample tube of Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask earlier this year and like most beauty products I get it went into the drawers of doom until I was recently rummaging through, looking for something to sooth the dry skin I’ve been suffering with.
Clarins say this mask provides intense comfort for dehydrated skin and will restore freshness and radiance within 5 to 10 minutes. Its key ingredients are hyaluronic acid to restore the skin's water reserves, katafray extract to reinforce the barrier effect of the outer layer of the skin, and extracts of rowan tree buds to boost the skin's radiance.
I applied a layer of the creamy white mask to my face and neck and left it to work for the full 10 minutes. It has a rather clinical smell to it, it reminds me of Savlon! Not unpleasant, just surprising. After 10 minutes I removed the excess mask with some toner-soaked cotton wool as the instructions suggest, then applied my usual moisturiser.
I can’t say that I have experienced any of the benefits that were promised, even with subsequent use, which is disappointing to say the least. It’s quite an expensive mask, normally costing £33.00 for a 75ml tube, so I did expect better especially from a brand like Clarins as their products are normally really good.
You can buy Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask from retailers such as John Lewis and Escentual as well as from Clarins directly.
Have you tried this mask? What did you think?
Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask is one of those products that I kept reading about on various blogs, people seemed to absolute love it, and I every time I read about it I thought to myself, “I must try that.” And then would promptly forget. Earlier this year I actually remembered to treat myself to a tube, then promptly forgot I had bought it! Then earlier this month I discovered that I’m allergic to methylisothiazolinone so I went through my beauty drawers looking for something to sooth the sore, dry skin that was left after the last allergic reaction and spotted it.
As the name suggest, Origins Drink Up Intensive is applied at bedtime and works overnight to replenish moisture reserves and build a reservoir for the following day. The key ingredient, Japanese Seaweed, repairs the skin’s barriers to help prevent future dehydration. It sounded like exactly what my poor frazzled skin needed!
The directions suggest to massage onto clean skin then tissue of any excess. I have more of a ‘waste not, want not’ attitude so I applied just enough. A blob about the size of a large pea was plenty. It’s not thick or gloopy like a normal face mask, it feels more like a very rich, intense moisturiser, yet lightweight at the same time. It has a gorgeous, fruity scent which makes me go “mmm”.
In all honesty, I didn’t expect to see results from the first use, especially as my skin was so dried out. I expected maybe a little less redness, maybe a little less dryness. I thought it would take a few uses to see real improvement. So you can imagine my delight when I woke the next morning to a smoother, more supple, glowing and happy looking face. Not totally back to normal, but vastly improved. I used it again a couple of days later and once again the results the next morning were amazing. I now understand why every blogger raves about it!
My skin is now back to its normal happy self but I will continue to use this mask weekly, or maybe fortnightly, depending on my skin’s needs. It’s so good to just be able to stick some on at night and wake up to gorgeous soft skin. A 100ml tube costs £23.00 which is insanely good value for money as you only need a small amount each time. You can buy it from Origins website here or you can pick it up in places like John Lewis and House of Fraser.
Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask
Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask is one of those products that I kept reading about on various blogs, people seemed to absolute love it, and I every time I read about it I thought to myself, “I must try that.” And then would promptly forget. Earlier this year I actually remembered to treat myself to a tube, then promptly forgot I had bought it! Then earlier this month I discovered that I’m allergic to methylisothiazolinone so I went through my beauty drawers looking for something to sooth the sore, dry skin that was left after the last allergic reaction and spotted it.
As the name suggest, Origins Drink Up Intensive is applied at bedtime and works overnight to replenish moisture reserves and build a reservoir for the following day. The key ingredient, Japanese Seaweed, repairs the skin’s barriers to help prevent future dehydration. It sounded like exactly what my poor frazzled skin needed!
The directions suggest to massage onto clean skin then tissue of any excess. I have more of a ‘waste not, want not’ attitude so I applied just enough. A blob about the size of a large pea was plenty. It’s not thick or gloopy like a normal face mask, it feels more like a very rich, intense moisturiser, yet lightweight at the same time. It has a gorgeous, fruity scent which makes me go “mmm”.
In all honesty, I didn’t expect to see results from the first use, especially as my skin was so dried out. I expected maybe a little less redness, maybe a little less dryness. I thought it would take a few uses to see real improvement. So you can imagine my delight when I woke the next morning to a smoother, more supple, glowing and happy looking face. Not totally back to normal, but vastly improved. I used it again a couple of days later and once again the results the next morning were amazing. I now understand why every blogger raves about it!
My skin is now back to its normal happy self but I will continue to use this mask weekly, or maybe fortnightly, depending on my skin’s needs. It’s so good to just be able to stick some on at night and wake up to gorgeous soft skin. A 100ml tube costs £23.00 which is insanely good value for money as you only need a small amount each time. You can buy it from Origins website here or you can pick it up in places like John Lewis and House of Fraser.
That’s a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it? Methylisothiazolinone (MI), apart from being a word that I cannot pronounce, is a powerful biocide and preservative that stops products going off, so extending their shelf life. It’s used in toiletries, make-up, baby products and paint. Yes, paint… So it must be pretty strong stuff!
You might be wondering why I’m writing about MI. Well, a few times I have mentioned that my skin has been having some very nasty reactions to beauty products. I would put a product on my face and within minutes my skin would be red, swollen and itchy. It would take about a week to ten days for it to calm down each time, leaving me with a very sad, sore, dry and angry-looking face.
I had put it down to my skin simply being more sensitive during pregnancy. But then I thought, why is my skin only reacting to certain products and not others, why is it so random? And in the midst of this pregnancy fog it occurred to me that maybe it was a specific ingredient that was causing the problem. So, like the geek I am, I wrote out the ingredients list of the three products that had caused the reaction so far (Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask, Ginvera BB Creme and Clarins Cleansing Milk) and compared them to see if they had same ingredients.
Lo and behold, all three products had two ingredients in common. Glycerin was the first, but I knew that was unlikely to be causing such a problem. MI was the other ingredient, so I chucked it into Google and was astounded to discover that it is second only to nickel in causing contact allergies. Yet it’s on the ingredients list of so many products, big name products too, and is in a lot of baby products. Those of you with little ones might remember there being a bit of a fuss in the media last year about baby wipes causing painful rashes – MI is the ingredient they were talking about. It seems that I have developed an allergy to it.
I’m now having to thoroughly check all of my products to see if MI is on the ingredients list and have had to get rid of loads, including my beloved Aussie shampoo and conditioner. My partner thinks it’s great, he has inherited lots of wonderful skincare goodies that I now can’t use!
So there you go, it turns out that my skin isn’t just suffering from pregnancy-related sensitivity. It’s something specific. Perhaps if you too find yourself having random reactions to make-up or beauty products check the ingredients list and see if it contains methylisothiazolinone.
That’s a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it? Methylisothiazolinone (MI), apart from being a word that I cannot pronounce, is a powerful biocide and preservative that stops products going off, so extending their shelf life. It’s used in toiletries, make-up, baby products and paint. Yes, paint… So it must be pretty strong stuff!
You might be wondering why I’m writing about MI. Well, a few times I have mentioned that my skin has been having some very nasty reactions to beauty products. I would put a product on my face and within minutes my skin would be red, swollen and itchy. It would take about a week to ten days for it to calm down each time, leaving me with a very sad, sore, dry and angry-looking face.
I had put it down to my skin simply being more sensitive during pregnancy. But then I thought, why is my skin only reacting to certain products and not others, why is it so random? And in the midst of this pregnancy fog it occurred to me that maybe it was a specific ingredient that was causing the problem. So, like the geek I am, I wrote out the ingredients list of the three products that had caused the reaction so far (Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask, Ginvera BB Creme and Clarins Cleansing Milk) and compared them to see if they had same ingredients.
Lo and behold, all three products had two ingredients in common. Glycerin was the first, but I knew that was unlikely to be causing such a problem. MI was the other ingredient, so I chucked it into Google and was astounded to discover that it is second only to nickel in causing contact allergies. Yet it’s on the ingredients list of so many products, big name products too, and is in a lot of baby products. Those of you with little ones might remember there being a bit of a fuss in the media last year about baby wipes causing painful rashes – MI is the ingredient they were talking about. It seems that I have developed an allergy to it.
I’m now having to thoroughly check all of my products to see if MI is on the ingredients list and have had to get rid of loads, including my beloved Aussie shampoo and conditioner. My partner thinks it’s great, he has inherited lots of wonderful skincare goodies that I now can’t use!
So there you go, it turns out that my skin isn’t just suffering from pregnancy-related sensitivity. It’s something specific. Perhaps if you too find yourself having random reactions to make-up or beauty products check the ingredients list and see if it contains methylisothiazolinone.
The theme of the September beauty box from Birchbox is Happy Days and it is filled with goodies to remind you of happy summer days. I’m delighted because quite a few of this month’s samples are perfect for my hospital bag!
Benefit It’s Potent! Eye Cream: This dinky pot is just ideal for going in my hospital bag! The cream is said to banish dark circles and smooth fine lines, so something I will definitely need after giving birth.
Korres Citrus Shower Gel: A generous mini bottle of this gorgeous and refreshing shower gel that has gone straight into my hospital bag. I’m wondering if it will double up as a shampoo as well, as Korres products tend to be quite gentle.
ModelCo Power Lash Mascara: Yep, you’ve guessed it, it’s in my hospital bag! I quite like ModelCo make-up and this promises intensely black, lengthened lashes.
Skin & Co Truffle Therapy Serum: I instantly thought of chocolate truffles, obviously that’s not what they meant! Offering protection from free radicals, improved skin firmness and a healthy glow, I’ll look forward to trying this out in my evening routine.
Agave Healing Oil Treatment: I love hair oils, although have never heard of this one. It’s a small sample but with oils a little usually goes a long way. I have popped it into my hospital bag!
Urban Fruit Magnificent Mango: Confession: I struggle to get Little N to eat fruit. However he LOVED these. So, I’m assuming they were delicious, I didn’t get a look in!
Happy Days Photo Clip: I thought this was a sweet little extra, I just need to choose a favourite photo to put in it.
I’m pretty happy with this month’s box, particularly as it has meant I have ticked off a few items from my hospital bag list! What do you think? If you like the look of it and want to sign up, please feel free to use my referral link: You’ll get 50 Birchbox points, equivalent to £5! The box costs £10 per month plus p+p.
Birchbox – September Beauty Box
The theme of the September beauty box from Birchbox is Happy Days and it is filled with goodies to remind you of happy summer days. I’m delighted because quite a few of this month’s samples are perfect for my hospital bag!
Benefit It’s Potent! Eye Cream: This dinky pot is just ideal for going in my hospital bag! The cream is said to banish dark circles and smooth fine lines, so something I will definitely need after giving birth.
Korres Citrus Shower Gel: A generous mini bottle of this gorgeous and refreshing shower gel that has gone straight into my hospital bag. I’m wondering if it will double up as a shampoo as well, as Korres products tend to be quite gentle.
ModelCo Power Lash Mascara: Yep, you’ve guessed it, it’s in my hospital bag! I quite like ModelCo make-up and this promises intensely black, lengthened lashes.
Skin & Co Truffle Therapy Serum: I instantly thought of chocolate truffles, obviously that’s not what they meant! Offering protection from free radicals, improved skin firmness and a healthy glow, I’ll look forward to trying this out in my evening routine.
Agave Healing Oil Treatment: I love hair oils, although have never heard of this one. It’s a small sample but with oils a little usually goes a long way. I have popped it into my hospital bag!
Urban Fruit Magnificent Mango: Confession: I struggle to get Little N to eat fruit. However he LOVED these. So, I’m assuming they were delicious, I didn’t get a look in!
Happy Days Photo Clip: I thought this was a sweet little extra, I just need to choose a favourite photo to put in it.
I’m pretty happy with this month’s box, particularly as it has meant I have ticked off a few items from my hospital bag list! What do you think? If you like the look of it and want to sign up, please feel free to use my referral link: You’ll get 50 Birchbox points, equivalent to £5! The box costs £10 per month plus p+p.
The baby is now the size of a pumpkin which is just crazy! It is roughly 18-20 inches long and weighs around 6.2-9.2lb. The baby is still head down and still 2/5 palpable, meaning 3/5 of the baby’s head is engaged. This baby is choosing to lie with its back on my right side and limbs all over to the left, which is the opposite of what Little N did. Being head down is the most important thing so it’s all positive news!
I still haven’t made any progress since I updated you all at 32 weeks, I’m just so busy with Little N! I do need to just sit down and write a list (or several lists) of what I still need to do. One of the main things is to sort my hospital bag out. I have been doing some batch cooking so the freezer is getting stocked up. That’s something! The iron tablets I was prescribed have really made a difference to how I feel; I no longer feel sluggish and exhausted all the time.
I had an appointment with the birth planning midwife last week so now have a birth plan in place. I’ll be giving birth at consultant-led unit at the hospital and will have use of the pool, if it’s free, and they have agreed to use the cordless monitors so that I won’t feel strapped to the bed like I was during Little N’s birth.
My community midwife has been brilliant and has got me an expressing kit so I can express and freeze colostrum ahead of baby’s due date. For those of you that read about my experiences when Little N was born we had some trouble feeding so this time I want to be prepared with a stash, just in case.
37 weeks down, 3 weeks to go!
37 Weeks of Bump
The baby is now the size of a pumpkin which is just crazy! It is roughly 18-20 inches long and weighs around 6.2-9.2lb. The baby is still head down and still 2/5 palpable, meaning 3/5 of the baby’s head is engaged. This baby is choosing to lie with its back on my right side and limbs all over to the left, which is the opposite of what Little N did. Being head down is the most important thing so it’s all positive news!
I still haven’t made any progress since I updated you all at 32 weeks, I’m just so busy with Little N! I do need to just sit down and write a list (or several lists) of what I still need to do. One of the main things is to sort my hospital bag out. I have been doing some batch cooking so the freezer is getting stocked up. That’s something! The iron tablets I was prescribed have really made a difference to how I feel; I no longer feel sluggish and exhausted all the time.
I had an appointment with the birth planning midwife last week so now have a birth plan in place. I’ll be giving birth at consultant-led unit at the hospital and will have use of the pool, if it’s free, and they have agreed to use the cordless monitors so that I won’t feel strapped to the bed like I was during Little N’s birth.
My community midwife has been brilliant and has got me an expressing kit so I can express and freeze colostrum ahead of baby’s due date. For those of you that read about my experiences when Little N was born we had some trouble feeding so this time I want to be prepared with a stash, just in case.
37 weeks down, 3 weeks to go!
I recently ran out of my beloved Clarins Tonic Body Oil which I had been massaging into my ever-growing bump on a daily basis in a bid to prevent stretch marks and to ease the itching that comes as the skin grows. Luckily I have some wonderful friends who got me a gift set from the Sanctuary Mum to Be range, so for the last couple of weeks I have been using Sanctuary Mum to Be Stretch Mark Oil.
This midwife-approved oil contains lots of nourishing oils to hydrate and smooth the skin. It is free from parabens and SLS and, more importantly for me, free from methylisothiazolinone. Amongst the ingredients are tamaru oil to prevent stretch marks, borage oil and rosehip seed oil to maintain suppleness, and wheatgerm oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil to provide a moisture boost.
It has a subtle sweet natural scent which fades once the oil has sunk into the skin. It is easily absorbed and leaves my skin feeling soft and replenished, and relieved! I’ve been using it daily after my morning shower, as I did with the Clarins oil, but unlike with the Clarins oil I am often finding the need to apply it again before bed. I’m not sure if this is because it isn’t as nourishing or because my skin is simply being stretched more with this pregnancy. Either way, I’m a still stretch mark free zone!
It’s a lovely oil and one I would recommend to others. I would buy it again but with only a few weeks left of this pregnancy I don’t think I am going to need to repurchase it! You can buy it at Boots where it costs £10.25 for 150ml, making it a brilliantly priced alternative to the Clarins oil or the less natural but hugely popular Bio-Oil.
Sanctuary Mum to Be Stretch Mark Oil
I recently ran out of my beloved Clarins Tonic Body Oil which I had been massaging into my ever-growing bump on a daily basis in a bid to prevent stretch marks and to ease the itching that comes as the skin grows. Luckily I have some wonderful friends who got me a gift set from the Sanctuary Mum to Be range, so for the last couple of weeks I have been using Sanctuary Mum to Be Stretch Mark Oil.
This midwife-approved oil contains lots of nourishing oils to hydrate and smooth the skin. It is free from parabens and SLS and, more importantly for me, free from methylisothiazolinone. Amongst the ingredients are tamaru oil to prevent stretch marks, borage oil and rosehip seed oil to maintain suppleness, and wheatgerm oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil to provide a moisture boost.
It has a subtle sweet natural scent which fades once the oil has sunk into the skin. It is easily absorbed and leaves my skin feeling soft and replenished, and relieved! I’ve been using it daily after my morning shower, as I did with the Clarins oil, but unlike with the Clarins oil I am often finding the need to apply it again before bed. I’m not sure if this is because it isn’t as nourishing or because my skin is simply being stretched more with this pregnancy. Either way, I’m a still stretch mark free zone!
It’s a lovely oil and one I would recommend to others. I would buy it again but with only a few weeks left of this pregnancy I don’t think I am going to need to repurchase it! You can buy it at Boots where it costs £10.25 for 150ml, making it a brilliantly priced alternative to the Clarins oil or the less natural but hugely popular Bio-Oil.
As a mum to a eczema-prone toddler and a new baby due in a matter of weeks, finding laundry products suitable for sensitive skin has been a bit of a minefield. I was delighted to be able to test out new Surcare Laundry Sachets, little pillows of non-biological laundry detergent which promise to get your clothes clean without irritating sensitive skin, even at temperatures as low as 30°C.
Containing no dyes, enzymes or acids, Surcare products have nothing in to irritate skin – perfect for babies and people with sensitive skin. Surcare laundry products are non biological, completely fragrance free and dermatologically tested and approved. I’ve been using Surcare Laundry Sachets instead of my usual detergent for all of our household’s laundry over the last week and have been very impressed with the results. Even at 30°C and on a quick wash cycle our clothes have come out clean, stain-free, soft and smelling fresh.
Trying a new detergent does make me panic a little in case it causes Little N’s eczema to flare up however he has suffered no irritation at all whilst we’ve used these sachets and I have even felt confident enough to use them to wash the new baby’s things. I’ve tried them on clothes, towels, bedding, you name it! The sachets are also hugely convenient as they are simply placed in the drum before adding the clothes; no need for measuring or scooping, thus making my life a little easier.
Surcare Laundry Sachets come in packs of 10 and are available at most supermarkets costing £3.99. For more information check out the Surcare website here:
Surcare are also searching for people to become part of their testing panel! They will send Surcare products to test and review, as well as asking for feedback on new product development. To apply to be part of the panel all you need to do is email
Disclosure: I received this product for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
REVIEW: Surcare Laundry Sachets
As a mum to a eczema-prone toddler and a new baby due in a matter of weeks, finding laundry products suitable for sensitive skin has been a bit of a minefield. I was delighted to be able to test out new Surcare Laundry Sachets, little pillows of non-biological laundry detergent which promise to get your clothes clean without irritating sensitive skin, even at temperatures as low as 30°C.
Containing no dyes, enzymes or acids, Surcare products have nothing in to irritate skin – perfect for babies and people with sensitive skin. Surcare laundry products are non biological, completely fragrance free and dermatologically tested and approved. I’ve been using Surcare Laundry Sachets instead of my usual detergent for all of our household’s laundry over the last week and have been very impressed with the results. Even at 30°C and on a quick wash cycle our clothes have come out clean, stain-free, soft and smelling fresh.
Trying a new detergent does make me panic a little in case it causes Little N’s eczema to flare up however he has suffered no irritation at all whilst we’ve used these sachets and I have even felt confident enough to use them to wash the new baby’s things. I’ve tried them on clothes, towels, bedding, you name it! The sachets are also hugely convenient as they are simply placed in the drum before adding the clothes; no need for measuring or scooping, thus making my life a little easier.
Surcare Laundry Sachets come in packs of 10 and are available at most supermarkets costing £3.99. For more information check out the Surcare website here:
Surcare are also searching for people to become part of their testing panel! They will send Surcare products to test and review, as well as asking for feedback on new product development. To apply to be part of the panel all you need to do is email
Disclosure: I received this product for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
For their August beauty box Birchbox have put together samples to tide you over on your summer getaway.
Wild About Beauty Creme Eyeshadow: I received a full-sized sample of Matilda, a dark metallic which can be worn on its own or over powder eyeshadow for a more dramatic effect. This is the highlight of the box for me, the shade is perfect!
Number 4 Super Comb Prep & Protect: This is a leave-in conditioning spray which protects against heat and sun damage. It sounds ideal for using before blow drying.
Supergoop! CC Cream: I received two little tubes of this CC cream, a more lightweight version of a BB cream which acts as both a primer and a foundation. I don’t think I have ever tried a CC cream, I’m not usually drawn into the latest skincare fad, but I’m interested to see what it’s like.
Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator: Such fancy words for an exfoliator! I love a good exfoliating cleanser so I was chuffed to see this in my box.
Nude ProGenius Omega Treatment Oil: A good oil is always a winner for me. This sounds fab, rich in omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9. I’m looking forward to using it.
The Proposal by Tamsina Perry: Don’t get too excited, it’s just the first chapter but I thought this was quite a cool and different lifestyle extra to receive.
Let me know your thoughts!
Birchbox – August Beauty Box
For their August beauty box Birchbox have put together samples to tide you over on your summer getaway.
Wild About Beauty Creme Eyeshadow: I received a full-sized sample of Matilda, a dark metallic which can be worn on its own or over powder eyeshadow for a more dramatic effect. This is the highlight of the box for me, the shade is perfect!
Number 4 Super Comb Prep & Protect: This is a leave-in conditioning spray which protects against heat and sun damage. It sounds ideal for using before blow drying.
Supergoop! CC Cream: I received two little tubes of this CC cream, a more lightweight version of a BB cream which acts as both a primer and a foundation. I don’t think I have ever tried a CC cream, I’m not usually drawn into the latest skincare fad, but I’m interested to see what it’s like.
Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator: Such fancy words for an exfoliator! I love a good exfoliating cleanser so I was chuffed to see this in my box.
Nude ProGenius Omega Treatment Oil: A good oil is always a winner for me. This sounds fab, rich in omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9. I’m looking forward to using it.
The Proposal by Tamsina Perry: Don’t get too excited, it’s just the first chapter but I thought this was quite a cool and different lifestyle extra to receive.
Let me know your thoughts!
The baby is now the size of a squash! It is roughly 15.2-16.7 inches long and weights around 2.5-3.8lb. I last saw my community midwife when I was 29 weeks and she confirmed that baby had moved head down and the was only 2/5 palpable! This has meant my hip is no longer painful however the pressure is now all on my bladder!
The reality of being into single figures on the pregnancy countdown hit me last week. I have 8 weeks left to go, potentially 10, and I suddenly feel panicky and as if there is still so much to do! I need to sort my hospital bags, sort a bag for Little N as he will go to his granddad's while I’m at hospital, finish de-cluttering and rearranging my bedroom, finish purchasing the last few bits and bobs that baby needs… It sounds like I have lots of time but with a 1 year old requiring my attention and feeling the way I’ve been feeling the last few weeks, I’m getting nowhere fast!
The week before last I realised that I’d had a headache for four days; I sent a text to my midwife to check if I need to be worried and she sent me to hospital for a full check up to make sure it wasn’t preeclampsia. It wasn’t thank goodness, it was a migraine which passed after a few more days. Then last week I spoke to my GP to ask her to take a look at my 28 week blood test results.
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
32 weeks down, 8 weeks to go!
32 Weeks of Bump
The baby is now the size of a squash! It is roughly 15.2-16.7 inches long and weights around 2.5-3.8lb. I last saw my community midwife when I was 29 weeks and she confirmed that baby had moved head down and the was only 2/5 palpable! This has meant my hip is no longer painful however the pressure is now all on my bladder!
The reality of being into single figures on the pregnancy countdown hit me last week. I have 8 weeks left to go, potentially 10, and I suddenly feel panicky and as if there is still so much to do! I need to sort my hospital bags, sort a bag for Little N as he will go to his granddad's while I’m at hospital, finish de-cluttering and rearranging my bedroom, finish purchasing the last few bits and bobs that baby needs… It sounds like I have lots of time but with a 1 year old requiring my attention and feeling the way I’ve been feeling the last few weeks, I’m getting nowhere fast!
The week before last I realised that I’d had a headache for four days; I sent a text to my midwife to check if I need to be worried and she sent me to hospital for a full check up to make sure it wasn’t preeclampsia. It wasn’t thank goodness, it was a migraine which passed after a few more days. Then last week I spoke to my GP to ask her to take a look at my 28 week blood test results.
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
32 weeks down, 8 weeks to go!
Hannah & Hugh is a natural range of baby products created by a mum who was looking for a solution for her daughter’s dry and scaly skin. The range includes a baby wash, nappy balm and baby cream. The products are made with ingredients known for their benefits on the skin such as shea and cocoa butters, jojoba oil, sunflower, chamomile and lavender, which are all locally sourced, and the products are produced right here in the UK. I’m always on the look out for more natural and gentle products to use on my child’s skin, as babies and young children’s skin is so delicate, especially Little N who has suffered with eczema since he was six months old.
Over the past few weeks Little N has been trying out the ‘Top-to-Toe’ Baby Hair & Body Wash and the ‘Bum Bum’ Baby Nappy Balm.
Hannah & Hugh ‘Top-to-Toe’ Baby Hair & Body Wash (£8.50) is a mild baby wash suitable for both baby’s body and hair, and can also be used as a gentle bubble bath. 98% natural, it is made with soothing and calming extracts of oat seed, chamomile and lavender to leave your baby feeling cleansed and relaxed. Its gentle formula has a subtle natural scent – you won’t find any synthetic fragrances here - and doesn’t irritate young skin, not even Little N’s delicate eczema-prone skin. We like to use it as a bubble bath and swish the water over Little N while he plays with his bath toys, and then use a little as shampoo when his hair needs washing (which isn’t that often, because he doesn’t have much)!
Hannah & Hugh ‘Bum Bum’ Baby Nappy Balm (£10.99) is a fantastic multi-purpose balm which is suitable for use from birth, it is that gentle! The 99% natural combination of shea butter, cocoa butter and sweet almond oil work to soothe and protect little bums from dampness and soreness but can also be used on your baby’s face and body (and yours!) so it is really versatile. Little N has a habit of raiding and removing items from my changing bag and I have on a few occasions found myself out for the day without any cream for his eczema, so have resorted to applying a little of this balm to soothe the irritated areas – it works really well to stop the itch and calm the redness temporarily. Also, whilst this may not be official from the company, the balm has so far been safe with our cloth nappies!
Hannah & Hugh gets a big thumbs up from Little N and I and we thoroughly recommend that you take a look at their range if you have little people, are expecting or know someone that is. Find out more here:
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
REVIEW: Hannah & Hugh
Hannah & Hugh is a natural range of baby products created by a mum who was looking for a solution for her daughter’s dry and scaly skin. The range includes a baby wash, nappy balm and baby cream. The products are made with ingredients known for their benefits on the skin such as shea and cocoa butters, jojoba oil, sunflower, chamomile and lavender, which are all locally sourced, and the products are produced right here in the UK. I’m always on the look out for more natural and gentle products to use on my child’s skin, as babies and young children’s skin is so delicate, especially Little N who has suffered with eczema since he was six months old.
Over the past few weeks Little N has been trying out the ‘Top-to-Toe’ Baby Hair & Body Wash and the ‘Bum Bum’ Baby Nappy Balm.
Hannah & Hugh ‘Top-to-Toe’ Baby Hair & Body Wash (£8.50) is a mild baby wash suitable for both baby’s body and hair, and can also be used as a gentle bubble bath. 98% natural, it is made with soothing and calming extracts of oat seed, chamomile and lavender to leave your baby feeling cleansed and relaxed. Its gentle formula has a subtle natural scent – you won’t find any synthetic fragrances here - and doesn’t irritate young skin, not even Little N’s delicate eczema-prone skin. We like to use it as a bubble bath and swish the water over Little N while he plays with his bath toys, and then use a little as shampoo when his hair needs washing (which isn’t that often, because he doesn’t have much)!
Hannah & Hugh ‘Bum Bum’ Baby Nappy Balm (£10.99) is a fantastic multi-purpose balm which is suitable for use from birth, it is that gentle! The 99% natural combination of shea butter, cocoa butter and sweet almond oil work to soothe and protect little bums from dampness and soreness but can also be used on your baby’s face and body (and yours!) so it is really versatile. Little N has a habit of raiding and removing items from my changing bag and I have on a few occasions found myself out for the day without any cream for his eczema, so have resorted to applying a little of this balm to soothe the irritated areas – it works really well to stop the itch and calm the redness temporarily. Also, whilst this may not be official from the company, the balm has so far been safe with our cloth nappies!
Hannah & Hugh gets a big thumbs up from Little N and I and we thoroughly recommend that you take a look at their range if you have little people, are expecting or know someone that is. Find out more here:
Disclosure: I received these products for free for review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
I’m finally in the final trimester. It feels so strange to be on the countdown now! Baby is about the size of a butternut squash, 15.2-16.7 inches long and weighing about 2.5-3.8 lb. I feel massive. I am all bump and it just sticks out front! This baby is really strong, you can’t ignore the movements when it decides to have a roll about!
29 Weeks of Bump
I’m finally in the final trimester. It feels so strange to be on the countdown now! Baby is about the size of a butternut squash, 15.2-16.7 inches long and weighing about 2.5-3.8 lb. I feel massive. I am all bump and it just sticks out front! This baby is really strong, you can’t ignore the movements when it decides to have a roll about!
If you get a group of pregnant women together, one of the topics that inevitably comes up is stretchmarks and, more specifically, how to prevent them. Whilst a lot of people say there is nothing you can to stop them, I do feel that using good quality products can lessen the severity and, as in my last pregnancy, prevent them completely.
Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil
If you get a group of pregnant women together, one of the topics that inevitably comes up is stretchmarks and, more specifically, how to prevent them. Whilst a lot of people say there is nothing you can to stop them, I do feel that using good quality products can lessen the severity and, as in my last pregnancy, prevent them completely.
I know, I know, I haven’t updated you on bump for weeks. To make up for this, this week’s update is bang on time!
I am exactly 25 weeks pregnant today. The baby is about the size of a cauliflower, 13.6-14.8 inches long and weighs between 1.5-2.2lbs. I now feel really strong movements all the time, my tummy is constantly changing shape when a foot or an elbow is pushing out. It’s funny, when I look down I don’t think I look too big, just a little bloated, but then I’ll catch my reflection in a mirror or window and I’m like “woah there! I’m huge!”
25 Weeks of Bump
I know, I know, I haven’t updated you on bump for weeks. To make up for this, this week’s update is bang on time!
I am exactly 25 weeks pregnant today. The baby is about the size of a cauliflower, 13.6-14.8 inches long and weighs between 1.5-2.2lbs. I now feel really strong movements all the time, my tummy is constantly changing shape when a foot or an elbow is pushing out. It’s funny, when I look down I don’t think I look too big, just a little bloated, but then I’ll catch my reflection in a mirror or window and I’m like “woah there! I’m huge!”
Once again it feels like my bump hasn't really grown. It obviously has judging by the fit of my pyjamas, but it just doesn't look like it in the bumpfie photos I've been posting! The baby is really active and there is starting to be a pattern to his/her movements. Typically most active when I go to bed!
21 Weeks of Bump
Once again it feels like my bump hasn't really grown. It obviously has judging by the fit of my pyjamas, but it just doesn't look like it in the bumpfie photos I've been posting! The baby is really active and there is starting to be a pattern to his/her movements. Typically most active when I go to bed!
It’s been a while since I last had a good raid through my stash. I’ve been running out of things here and there but recently I ran out of several products so had a good rummage and found this little lot.
Now the weather is getting warmer it’s nice to use a lighter moisturiser during the day and STEAMCREAM fits the bill perfectly.
At night I either use a night cream or use a serum/oil with my day cream. I picked out this Coryse Salome night cream sample that came in a recent Birchbox.
I’m not a huge fan of rollerball type eye products but this Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball came in my advent calendar and now is a good a time as any to try it out!
I get through so many lipbalms and this one from Balm Balm has been waiting patiently to be used. It’s rose geranium and smells lovely.
My hair is in desperate need of an intensive treatment, and a cut to be honest, so I was very happy to find a tube of my all-time favourite Philip Kingsley Elasticizer hiding in the drawer!
Stash Raiders #3
It’s been a while since I last had a good raid through my stash. I’ve been running out of things here and there but recently I ran out of several products so had a good rummage and found this little lot.
Now the weather is getting warmer it’s nice to use a lighter moisturiser during the day and STEAMCREAM fits the bill perfectly.
At night I either use a night cream or use a serum/oil with my day cream. I picked out this Coryse Salome night cream sample that came in a recent Birchbox.
I’m not a huge fan of rollerball type eye products but this Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Eye Rescue Rollerball came in my advent calendar and now is a good a time as any to try it out!
I get through so many lipbalms and this one from Balm Balm has been waiting patiently to be used. It’s rose geranium and smells lovely.
My hair is in desperate need of an intensive treatment, and a cut to be honest, so I was very happy to find a tube of my all-time favourite Philip Kingsley Elasticizer hiding in the drawer!
I think my bump has shrunk compared to last week’s photo. I know bump size and shape can change depending on how the baby is laying but it’s tiny now! The baby is the size of a melon now, I’m guessing galia rather than watermelon at this point. It is about 10.5 inches and weighs about 13 ounces. Gaining weight and fat steadily now! I’m feeling a lot of movements now and they can be felt externally too which is exciting.
20 Weeks of Bump
I think my bump has shrunk compared to last week’s photo. I know bump size and shape can change depending on how the baby is laying but it’s tiny now! The baby is the size of a melon now, I’m guessing galia rather than watermelon at this point. It is about 10.5 inches and weighs about 13 ounces. Gaining weight and fat steadily now! I’m feeling a lot of movements now and they can be felt externally too which is exciting.
I’m getting much better at bump updates! Okay, so I have still missed one out and this one is a little late, but it’s an improvement. Anyway, holy moly, check out this belly!

I think this little wriggler must have had a bit of a growth spurt because I haven’t eaten that much cake, honest! I’ve really popped and am very noticeably pregnant now. The baby is 10.5 inches from head to toe, weighs 10.5 oz and is about the size of a sweet potato. Apparently he/she can hear my heartbeat and muffled sounds from outside! The other day I was lying in the bath and noticed my tummy moving. Even second time around it all amazes me.
19 Weeks of Bump
I’m getting much better at bump updates! Okay, so I have still missed one out and this one is a little late, but it’s an improvement. Anyway, holy moly, check out this belly!

I think this little wriggler must have had a bit of a growth spurt because I haven’t eaten that much cake, honest! I’ve really popped and am very noticeably pregnant now. The baby is 10.5 inches from head to toe, weighs 10.5 oz and is about the size of a sweet potato. Apparently he/she can hear my heartbeat and muffled sounds from outside! The other day I was lying in the bath and noticed my tummy moving. Even second time around it all amazes me.
Here’s a little round-up of what we got up to when we went to Stratford Upon Avon for my birthday a few weeks ago.
Almost as soon as we arrived in Stratford we headed to Ettington Park Hotel for afternoon tea. We discovered that Little N loves drinking tea and I found a MASSIVE mirror in the bathroom which was perfect for a cheeky bumpfie!
Later that evening, after checking out pretty much every restaurant Stratford had to offer, I decided to go with the first restaurant I had spotted – Giggling Squid. It serves simple rustic Thai food, from street food to coastal specialities. We all shared a platter of starters, then Ian and I had different lamb dishes. Little N loved the starters and had an extra serving of prawn toast and lots of sticky rice. He was not impressed by the curries and was too tired for dessert!
The next day we went exploring and took in the sights of Stratford, had a mooch around the shops and a meander through the market. Of course, we stopped at Shakespeare’s birthplace! Little N enjoy running around chasing pigeons, watching ducks with their ducklings and throwing coins in the fountain.
Later that afternoon, it was time for tea – round 2! I love afternoon tea and it has become a bit of a birthday tradition. Ian had looked on Tripadvisor and found a place called The Fourteas, an amazing 1940s themed tearoom in the heart of Stratford. The music, memorabilia and staff all make you feel like you are in wartime Britain – there is even the sound of air raid sirens every so often! The cakes were amazing, the sandwiches delicious and the tea perfect.
I had such an amazing birthday break spent with my two favourite people doing my favourite things – eating, shopping and relaxing! I couldn’t have asked for more.
A birthday trip to Stratford Upon Avon - part 2
Here’s a little round-up of what we got up to when we went to Stratford Upon Avon for my birthday a few weeks ago.
Almost as soon as we arrived in Stratford we headed to Ettington Park Hotel for afternoon tea. We discovered that Little N loves drinking tea and I found a MASSIVE mirror in the bathroom which was perfect for a cheeky bumpfie!
Later that evening, after checking out pretty much every restaurant Stratford had to offer, I decided to go with the first restaurant I had spotted – Giggling Squid. It serves simple rustic Thai food, from street food to coastal specialities. We all shared a platter of starters, then Ian and I had different lamb dishes. Little N loved the starters and had an extra serving of prawn toast and lots of sticky rice. He was not impressed by the curries and was too tired for dessert!
The next day we went exploring and took in the sights of Stratford, had a mooch around the shops and a meander through the market. Of course, we stopped at Shakespeare’s birthplace! Little N enjoy running around chasing pigeons, watching ducks with their ducklings and throwing coins in the fountain.
Later that afternoon, it was time for tea – round 2! I love afternoon tea and it has become a bit of a birthday tradition. Ian had looked on Tripadvisor and found a place called The Fourteas, an amazing 1940s themed tearoom in the heart of Stratford. The music, memorabilia and staff all make you feel like you are in wartime Britain – there is even the sound of air raid sirens every so often! The cakes were amazing, the sandwiches delicious and the tea perfect.
I had such an amazing birthday break spent with my two favourite people doing my favourite things – eating, shopping and relaxing! I couldn’t have asked for more.
I had planned to do a little update each week of my pregnancy with how things have been going however unlike my first pregnancy this one is flying by and I keep forgetting!
When I was pregnant with Little N, I was at work full-time and spent most of my time thinking about or reading about pregnancy and every little change that was happening. This time though Little N keeps me so occupied that I simply forget that I am pregnant most of the time!
What does make me remember is the little flicks, kicks, prods and swirls I am feeling. I have felt flutters since around 15 weeks and they have gradually gotten stronger and more noticeable. It’s lovely but I had forgotten how strange it feels at first!
The baby is 10 inches from head to toe and apparently the size of a papaya! I love the fruit comparisons, I find it easier to understand the size than with just a measurement.
I saw the community midwife at 16 weeks and got to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’ll see her again at 20 weeks, the day after my anomaly scan and consultant appointments. She didn’t want to refer me to the VBAC team until after I have seen the consultant as she doesn’t think the consultant will advocate a VBAC attempt after what happened with Little N’s birth. Bit of a negative start to our journey, but we’ll see…
17 Weeks of Bump
I had planned to do a little update each week of my pregnancy with how things have been going however unlike my first pregnancy this one is flying by and I keep forgetting!
When I was pregnant with Little N, I was at work full-time and spent most of my time thinking about or reading about pregnancy and every little change that was happening. This time though Little N keeps me so occupied that I simply forget that I am pregnant most of the time!
What does make me remember is the little flicks, kicks, prods and swirls I am feeling. I have felt flutters since around 15 weeks and they have gradually gotten stronger and more noticeable. It’s lovely but I had forgotten how strange it feels at first!
The baby is 10 inches from head to toe and apparently the size of a papaya! I love the fruit comparisons, I find it easier to understand the size than with just a measurement.
I saw the community midwife at 16 weeks and got to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’ll see her again at 20 weeks, the day after my anomaly scan and consultant appointments. She didn’t want to refer me to the VBAC team until after I have seen the consultant as she doesn’t think the consultant will advocate a VBAC attempt after what happened with Little N’s birth. Bit of a negative start to our journey, but we’ll see…
Since I started my baby-led weaning journey, my mama is always looking out for healthy toddler and baby snacks for me; I would be more than happy to snack on chocolate all day but for some reason she won’t let me. She likes to make sure that my snacks are tasty as well as healthy, so she was very happy when some Plum Baby Little Yums arrived for me to try!
Little Yums are yummy organic wafers made with buckwheat, fruit and vegetables. They’re suitable for babies and toddlers from the age of 6 months and their shape and size makes them a great snack to encourage self-feeding. The wafers feel hard when I hold and bite them, but they easily dissolve in my mouth. They are really nice to have when teething as chewing helps sore gums. I have 8 teeth currently coming through as well as the 8 I already have!
Little Yums come in 2 flavours: spinach, apple & kale and pumpkin & banana. I can’t quite decide which one I like the most! The flavours are very delicate which is good for tiny tastebuds like mine. There is no added salt or sugar in these wafers, nor is there any pretend flavours, it is all natural and good for me. I let my mama have a taste as I love sharing, but she prefers her big biscuits.
There are 6 packs in each box and each pack has 3 little wafers. They are the perfect snack to take out with me to toddler group or playdates. Sometimes I just eat 1 and save the rest but sometimes I scoff all 3. Mama puts 2 packs in her bag just in case. I hope she gets me more Little Yums, they are only £2.49 per box and they’re available at supermarkets. .
What snacks do you like to eat?
Disclosure: We were kindly sent Plum Baby Little Yums for free to review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
REVIEW: Plum Baby Little Yums
Since I started my baby-led weaning journey, my mama is always looking out for healthy toddler and baby snacks for me; I would be more than happy to snack on chocolate all day but for some reason she won’t let me. She likes to make sure that my snacks are tasty as well as healthy, so she was very happy when some Plum Baby Little Yums arrived for me to try!
Little Yums are yummy organic wafers made with buckwheat, fruit and vegetables. They’re suitable for babies and toddlers from the age of 6 months and their shape and size makes them a great snack to encourage self-feeding. The wafers feel hard when I hold and bite them, but they easily dissolve in my mouth. They are really nice to have when teething as chewing helps sore gums. I have 8 teeth currently coming through as well as the 8 I already have!
Little Yums come in 2 flavours: spinach, apple & kale and pumpkin & banana. I can’t quite decide which one I like the most! The flavours are very delicate which is good for tiny tastebuds like mine. There is no added salt or sugar in these wafers, nor is there any pretend flavours, it is all natural and good for me. I let my mama have a taste as I love sharing, but she prefers her big biscuits.
There are 6 packs in each box and each pack has 3 little wafers. They are the perfect snack to take out with me to toddler group or playdates. Sometimes I just eat 1 and save the rest but sometimes I scoff all 3. Mama puts 2 packs in her bag just in case. I hope she gets me more Little Yums, they are only £2.49 per box and they’re available at supermarkets. .
What snacks do you like to eat?
Disclosure: We were kindly sent Plum Baby Little Yums for free to review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
It was my birthday last week and I was very kindly invited to stay at the Mercure Stratford upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel, right in the heart of Shakespeare country. Little N, Ian and I packed our bags and headed off on a mini road trip.
The 4-star Mercure Stratford Upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel is situated right in the heart of the historic town of Stratford in an absolutely beautiful building full of character and charm. It is close to lots of restaurants and bars, the canal and theatre. It has 78 rooms each with their own Shakespeare-inspired name, Othello's AA Rosette restaurant, 2 bars and a courtyard garden as well as 3 function rooms. You can dine at Othello’s Brasserie or relax with drinks or afternoon tea in the Quill Bar & Lounge, pictured below.
We arrived at the hotel shortly after lunchtime, were warmly welcomed and checked in quickly, and given the keys to our room. Our room was up some stairs then along two corridors which made us smile because the floors were rickety and several of the doors to the hotel rooms were sloped. It was lovely to see that the hotel had not succumbed during renovation and has managed to keep its 17th century charm - oak-beamed ceilings, open fireplaces and antique furniture – but still providing all of the modern luxuries that you would expect.
Our room, or should I say suite, was huge! Little N’s face was a picture, he was so excited when we walked in. He promptly ran off to investigate whilst we sorted our bags. Our suite featured a spacious seating area with a TV and a small office area with a desk, whilst the main part of the bedroom had our very comfortable king-sized bed, TV, mini-bar and tea & coffee facilities. I’m pretty certain that I have lived in flats that are smaller than this room! The room was clean, tidy and well-presented, with additional pillows and bedding provided as well as a ready-prepared travel cot and bedding for N.
The bathroom was stylishly done and immaculately clean; you’d think it was a brand new fitted bathroom. Lots of towels and toiletries were provided as well as little extras such as a vanity kit, shoe-shiner and shower cap.
After a busy day strolling around Stratford we came back to our hotel room for the night and had quite possibly one of the best night’s sleep EVER. The curtains were all blackout which makes such a difference but most importantly, the hotel is so quiet! Despite being in the centre of town and despite being quite a large, old building, we did not hear a peep from the other rooms or from anywhere else in the hotel. Little N slept soundly in the cot until early morning when he joined us for cuddles in the bed.
All 3 of us woke early and headed down to breakfast; the variety on offer was vast and included a full cooked breakfast, cereals, pastries, fruit and yogurts. Everything was available as a buffet so we could simply help ourselves, other than the toast and hot drinks which were made to order and brought over by the staff. Little N had cereal, toast, bacon and cheese (toddlers eh!), I had eggs, toast and a pastry, while Ian seemed to have a plate full of meat and eggs! We were all stuffed to the brim with breakfast, juice and tea and ready for another day exploring gorgeous Stratford.
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Mercure Stratford upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel and if we ever go back to Stratford, which I am sure we will, we will certainly book to stay here again. The rooms are fantastic and the location is perfect for seeing the sights.
For more information check out the hotel’s homepage here: and if you decide to pay a visit to Stratford, let me know!
Disclosure: Our lovely stay in Stratford was complimentary, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
A birthday trip to Stratford Upon Avon – part 1
It was my birthday last week and I was very kindly invited to stay at the Mercure Stratford upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel, right in the heart of Shakespeare country. Little N, Ian and I packed our bags and headed off on a mini road trip.
The 4-star Mercure Stratford Upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel is situated right in the heart of the historic town of Stratford in an absolutely beautiful building full of character and charm. It is close to lots of restaurants and bars, the canal and theatre. It has 78 rooms each with their own Shakespeare-inspired name, Othello's AA Rosette restaurant, 2 bars and a courtyard garden as well as 3 function rooms. You can dine at Othello’s Brasserie or relax with drinks or afternoon tea in the Quill Bar & Lounge, pictured below.
We arrived at the hotel shortly after lunchtime, were warmly welcomed and checked in quickly, and given the keys to our room. Our room was up some stairs then along two corridors which made us smile because the floors were rickety and several of the doors to the hotel rooms were sloped. It was lovely to see that the hotel had not succumbed during renovation and has managed to keep its 17th century charm - oak-beamed ceilings, open fireplaces and antique furniture – but still providing all of the modern luxuries that you would expect.
Our room, or should I say suite, was huge! Little N’s face was a picture, he was so excited when we walked in. He promptly ran off to investigate whilst we sorted our bags. Our suite featured a spacious seating area with a TV and a small office area with a desk, whilst the main part of the bedroom had our very comfortable king-sized bed, TV, mini-bar and tea & coffee facilities. I’m pretty certain that I have lived in flats that are smaller than this room! The room was clean, tidy and well-presented, with additional pillows and bedding provided as well as a ready-prepared travel cot and bedding for N.
The bathroom was stylishly done and immaculately clean; you’d think it was a brand new fitted bathroom. Lots of towels and toiletries were provided as well as little extras such as a vanity kit, shoe-shiner and shower cap.
After a busy day strolling around Stratford we came back to our hotel room for the night and had quite possibly one of the best night’s sleep EVER. The curtains were all blackout which makes such a difference but most importantly, the hotel is so quiet! Despite being in the centre of town and despite being quite a large, old building, we did not hear a peep from the other rooms or from anywhere else in the hotel. Little N slept soundly in the cot until early morning when he joined us for cuddles in the bed.
All 3 of us woke early and headed down to breakfast; the variety on offer was vast and included a full cooked breakfast, cereals, pastries, fruit and yogurts. Everything was available as a buffet so we could simply help ourselves, other than the toast and hot drinks which were made to order and brought over by the staff. Little N had cereal, toast, bacon and cheese (toddlers eh!), I had eggs, toast and a pastry, while Ian seemed to have a plate full of meat and eggs! We were all stuffed to the brim with breakfast, juice and tea and ready for another day exploring gorgeous Stratford.
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Mercure Stratford upon Avon Shakespeare Hotel and if we ever go back to Stratford, which I am sure we will, we will certainly book to stay here again. The rooms are fantastic and the location is perfect for seeing the sights.
For more information check out the hotel’s homepage here: and if you decide to pay a visit to Stratford, let me know!
Disclosure: Our lovely stay in Stratford was complimentary, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
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