REVIEW: Plum Baby Little Yums

Since I started my baby-led weaning journey, my mama is always looking out for healthy toddler and baby snacks for me; I would be more than happy to snack on chocolate all day but for some reason she won’t let me. She likes to make sure that my snacks are tasty as well as healthy, so she was very happy when some Plum Baby Little Yums arrived for me to try!

plum baby little yums baby toddler snacksplum baby little yums teething

Little Yums are yummy organic wafers made with buckwheat, fruit and vegetables. They’re suitable for babies and toddlers from the age of 6 months and their shape and size makes them a great snack to encourage self-feeding. The wafers feel hard when I hold and bite them, but they easily dissolve in my mouth. They are really nice to have when teething as chewing helps sore gums. I have 8 teeth currently coming through as well as the 8 I already have!

Little Yums come in 2 flavours: spinach, apple & kale and pumpkin & banana. I can’t quite decide which one I like the most! The flavours are very delicate which is good for tiny tastebuds like mine. There is no added salt or sugar in these wafers, nor is there any pretend flavours, it is all natural and good for me. I let my mama have a taste as I love sharing, but she prefers her big biscuits.

There are 6 packs in each box and each pack has 3 little wafers. They are the perfect snack to take out with me to toddler group or playdates. Sometimes I just eat 1 and save the rest but sometimes I scoff all 3. Mama puts 2 packs in her bag just in case. I hope she gets me more Little Yums, they are only £2.49 per box and they’re available at supermarkets. .

What snacks do you like to eat?

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Disclosure: We were kindly sent Plum Baby Little Yums for free to review, however all thoughts and opinion remain my own.
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