17 Weeks of Bump

I had planned to do a little update each week of my pregnancy with how things have been going however unlike my first pregnancy this one is flying by and I keep forgetting! 

When I was pregnant with Little N, I was at work full-time and spent most of my time thinking about or reading about pregnancy and every little change that was happening. This time though Little N keeps me so occupied that I simply forget that I am pregnant most of the time!

17 weeks pregnant pregnancy

What does make me remember is the little flicks, kicks, prods and swirls I am feeling. I have felt flutters since around 15 weeks and they have gradually gotten stronger and more noticeable. It’s lovely but I had forgotten how strange it feels at first!

The baby is 10 inches from head to toe and apparently the size of a papaya! I love the fruit comparisons, I find it easier to understand the size than with just a measurement.

I saw the community midwife at 16 weeks and got to hear the baby’s heartbeat. I’ll see her again at 20 weeks, the day after my anomaly scan and consultant appointments. She didn’t want to refer me to the VBAC team until after I have seen the consultant as she doesn’t think the consultant will advocate a VBAC attempt after what happened with Little N’s birth. Bit of a negative start to our journey, but we’ll see…

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