19 Weeks of Bump

I’m getting much better at bump updates! Okay, so I have still missed one out and this one is a little late, but it’s an improvement. Anyway, holy moly, check out this belly!
19 weeks pregnant

I think this little wriggler must have had a bit of a growth spurt because I haven’t eaten that much cake, honest! I’ve really popped and am very noticeably pregnant now. The baby is 10.5 inches from head to toe, weighs 10.5 oz and is about the size of a sweet potato. Apparently he/she can hear my heartbeat and muffled sounds from outside! The other day I was lying in the bath and noticed my tummy moving. Even second time around it all amazes me.
I have got myself some lovely new maternity jeans from ASOS, as they were the best ones last time I was pregnant, and they were in the sale which makes it even better. I got these ones: http://www.asos.com//Asos-Maternity/Asos-Maternity-Exclusive-Ridley-Skinny-Jean-In-Washed-Marble-Indigo/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=3475224

They will probably be the only item of maternity wear that I end up getting as most other maternity clothes end up looking like tents on me. Instead I tend to stick with “normal” clothing but go for styles like oversized tees and dresses with an empire waist, for example.

I’ve been feeling really tired this week. I get worn out easily so we have been spending a lot of time at home. Waking up in the morning is really hard, Little N ends up poking my face and prising open my eyelids to get me up! It’s hard because I can’t have as much coffee or tea as I normally would. It’s probably all psychological but a good coffee really helps me to get going in the morning!

Next week is my anomaly scan followed by an appointment with the consultant, with an appointment with the midwife on the following day. It is going to be a really busy week!


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