I think my bump has shrunk compared to last week’s photo. I know bump size and shape can change depending on how the baby is laying but it’s tiny now! The baby is the size of a melon now, I’m guessing galia rather than watermelon at this point. It is about 10.5 inches and weighs about 13 ounces. Gaining weight and fat steadily now! I’m feeling a lot of movements now and they can be felt externally too which is exciting.
I also had my consultant appointment yesterday and it went really well! I mentioned previously that the community midwife thought the consultant wouldn’t advocate a VBAC due to the type of incision I have. It turns out she was wrong. The lovely doctor had my previous birth notes and went through them thoroughly before concluding that she recommends a VBAC – which is exactly what I want! I could have kissed her, I was so pleased.
I also learnt that Little N had turned during labour and was back-to-back which explains why I was struggling to push. I have absolutely no recollection of being told this, although Ian assures me that the midwife at the time had said it several times! Learning this has alleviated a lot of the guilt I have been carrying since Little N’s birth, we had a really difficult time and I blamed myself a lot. It’s good to know that it wasn’t my fault.