21 Weeks of Bump

21 weeks pregnant bump pregnancy

Once again it feels like my bump hasn't really grown. It obviously has judging by the fit of my pyjamas, but it just doesn't look like it in the bumpfie photos I've been posting! The baby is really active and there is starting to be a pattern to his/her movements. Typically most active when I go to bed!

I've been feeling really organised this week; I've sorted through lots of Little N's baby clothes as a lot of his newborn wardrobe was neutral so perfect for his younger sibling. I've also prewashed my newborn nappies. I used cloth nappies on Little N from 2 months but this time around I plan to use cloth from birth.

My skin has gone really sensitive during this pregnancy and I am struggling with my facial products. Lush Brazened Honey face mask, which I have loved for years, stung my face and I've had a horrible reaction to Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask. I've been sporting a really attractive rash all over my cheeks!

I've stepped up my game when it comes to body moisturisers now. I've started using some lovely stretchmark creams, balms and oils which I will review over the coming months. I like to use them all over my body, not just on my bump; it’s my little bit of luxury every day!



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