Stash Raiders #5

Stash raiding is such a good way of using up those little samples that I seem to have a never-ending collection of.

Stash raiders Lush Dr Perricone Ciate Sisley
When I’m pregnant my skin seems to get really, really dry so I can’t get away with not moisturising from head to toe. Lush Vanilla Dee-Lite is one of my absolute favourite body lotions! ♥ I tried Sisley Black Rose Cream Mask a few weeks ago and my skin reacted really badly to it; call me crazy but I’m hoping my hormones have settled and will benefit from it this time ♥ Whilst I can still reach them, I am making sure my toenails are adorned with bright, pretty polishes and this week picked out Ciate Paint Pot in Pom Pom, a fabulous bright mandarin red ♥ This little sample tube of Perricone MD No Foundation Foundation has intrigued me since I got it in my advent calendar. It’s supposed to deliver all the benefits of foundation with none of the heavy matte finish ♥ Another advent calendar sample, I have heard amazing things about BIOEFFECT EGF Serum so I’m looking forward to giving this a whirl ♥ You all know I love oils and oil cleansers are no exception; I’ve got high hopes for olive oil-based DHC Deep Cleansing Oil ♥ I always need a good lipbalm or five on hand; this yummy raspberry lipbalm from Estelle & Thild is in my current rotation!

Have you tried any of these products before?

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