The baby is now the size of a squash! It is roughly 15.2-16.7 inches long and weights around 2.5-3.8lb. I last saw my community midwife when I was 29 weeks and she confirmed that baby had moved head down and the was only 2/5 palpable! This has meant my hip is no longer painful however the pressure is now all on my bladder!
The reality of being into single figures on the pregnancy countdown hit me last week. I have 8 weeks left to go, potentially 10, and I suddenly feel panicky and as if there is still so much to do! I need to sort my hospital bags, sort a bag for Little N as he will go to his granddad's while I’m at hospital, finish de-cluttering and rearranging my bedroom, finish purchasing the last few bits and bobs that baby needs… It sounds like I have lots of time but with a 1 year old requiring my attention and feeling the way I’ve been feeling the last few weeks, I’m getting nowhere fast!
The week before last I realised that I’d had a headache for four days; I sent a text to my midwife to check if I need to be worried and she sent me to hospital for a full check up to make sure it wasn’t preeclampsia. It wasn’t thank goodness, it was a migraine which passed after a few more days. Then last week I spoke to my GP to ask her to take a look at my 28 week blood test results.
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
My midwife had said my haemoglobin levels were low and that all I need to do was eat more green vegetables, however I have been feeling so awful: tired, breathless and no energy. My GP said that I need more iron supplements for the rest of the pregnancy so I have started those today. I hope I start to feel better soon as at the moment I don’t have the energy to walk up the stairs so how will I ever manage to give birth!
32 weeks down, 8 weeks to go!