Baby J is Seven Months Old

Baby J is seven months old. He now weighs 19lb 12oz and is 71cm long.

7 month old baby update

After mastering how to roll in both directions last month, J is now rolling about everywhere! He whizzes across the room to get what he wants. He still sleeps in our bedroom, but I have now put the side back on his cotbed as he keeps rolling into me. Also I’m worried that he might roll all the way across and out of the bed when I’m not there, as he goes up to bed around 7pm now.

He has also mastered another new skill: he can sit up without support! He can’t get himself into the sitting position, but he can hold himself if he’s placed there. This has opened up a whole new world of toys and exploring for him!

His babbling has increased and he has added “dadada” to his vocabulary along with “bababa” which he started saying last month. We’re not counting this as a first word yet though, as it’s just babbling, he hasn’t actually said “dada” in context [strict mum alert].

J is doing really well since starting solid food, he eats so much and eats so well! I’ll be doing separate posts all about his weaning adventures, but in the meantime you can check out our essential baby-led weaning equipment guide or read about Little N’s baby-led weaning journey.

I’ve been having a look about for a new car seat for J. He’s still in his infant car seat which is fine as he isn’t too big or too heavy yet, but I don’t use it on the pram base anymore so I was thinking about getting a combination seat now. Little N has the Joie Stages as I’d like him to rear-face for as long as possible. I’ve realised that my car has ISOFIX so does Ian’s so I had a look at some ISOFIX seats. I found it all very confusing though. We’re going to be changing cars in the next year so I need a seat that fits three different types of car which seems impossible. We’ll either need a variety of car seats or I might just get another Joie Stages.

As for me I’m enjoying taking care of myself more now I have a bit of time in the evenings. Until recently I had either been rushing my make-up off or sleeping in it [I know, I know!] But now I have been taking the time to do a proper double cleanse and apply serums and oils before moisturising. I’ve even been using toner, which is always something I skip if I’m in a rush. I’ll write a post soon to show you the lovely products I currently use.  

Also, I’ve finally lost all of my pregnancy weight. Woo! After Little N was born I didn’t have a car so was walking everywhere. This time I’m driving everywhere and it has really made a difference to how quickly [or slowly] I’ve lost weight. A couple of weeks ago I treated myself to a few new items from New Look, including some skinny jeans. I bought them in my usual size, with the aim of slimming into them, but they actually fit me perfectly. Yippee!

Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month, Two Month, Three Month, Four Month, Five Month and Six Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC

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