Baby-Led Weaning: 6 Months+

baby-led weaning 6 months
Baby J has take to food like an absolute champ. He started with cucumber two days before he turned six months old. And since then his little palate has been introduced to many new tastes and textures.
To begin with I decided to stick with mostly vegetables so that he would get a good taste for those before moving on to other, more fun-tasting, foods. For the first week he ate banana sticks at breakfast [a great tip is to slice lengthways leaving the skin on as it gives some grip] and then had baby corn, green beans, carrots and broccoli at lunch and dinnertime.
On the second week, he began having fromage frais for breakfast on some mornings instead of banana. This kid LOVES fromage frais; he gets very upset when he has finished his little pot! I carried on keeping it simple with just vegetable at lunch and dinner time. J also tried a rice cake, but he just played with it. I think they might be a little too hard [or boring!] at this stage.
By week three I introduced porridge into the mix to give a bit of variation at breakfast. And for those mornings when we were in a rush I came up with some breakfast cookies made with oat, banana and cinnamon. They are really handy as they’re not messy! J also started to have more interesting things at lunch and dinner as he tried out pasta with pesto and pitta bread with hummus.
By the end of the first month of baby-led weaning J had also tried chicken, avocado sandwich [I am addicted to avocado sandwiches and eat them all the time!], scrambled eggs, toast and fish. He even tried some of the spicy fishcakes that I had on my birthday when we went out for lunch!
I am still offering vegetables with everything, because Little N hasn’t eaten an unhidden vegetable in at least a year and I don’t want J to get fussy with them as well. So I thought if I offer them all the time then hopefully it will become a good habit of his to always eat them!
I have tried J with a sippy cup of water but he  just gnawed on the spout. Despite knowing that Little N did better with soft spout sippy cups, I picked up a hard spouted one from Boots. I just liked the colour of it! It’s not a huge problem right now with J being breastfed as he gets all the water he needs that way, but I do need to get him used to drinking.
We took delivery of our first batch of lovely Babymoov products during J’s first month of weaning, including his lovely new highchair which you can see in the photo. It’s the Light Wood High Chair* which you can find on the Babymoov here. I’ll tell you all about his gorgeous highchair in more detail soon!
I’m so pleased as Baby J has done really well with everything he’s been given to eat and I really hope his love of food continues!
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