Taking inspiration from Aby at You Baby Me Mummy, I’ve decided to start doing a little round-up post each week. It will make me take time to reflect on each week rather than just losing my life to Facebook statuses and Instagram posts. You can find the link to Aby’s blog and linky below.
A Week In My Life #1
This summer Allianz and Saracens RFC are encouraging people to join in a pass around the world by filming their own rugby pass and uploading it to create one big long pass. The fun, family-oriented campaign aims to bring people from all walks of life together through Rugby, plus you can win prizes in the process too!
Pass Around The World
This summer Allianz and Saracens RFC are encouraging people to join in a pass around the world by filming their own rugby pass and uploading it to create one big long pass. The fun, family-oriented campaign aims to bring people from all walks of life together through Rugby, plus you can win prizes in the process too!
Last month Ian, the boys and I headed off to Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire, Wales for our first family holiday*. It was my first holiday in over 3 years and it was the first holiday the boys had ever been on. Last week I posted about Bluestone and our amazing lodge and this week I’m telling you about the things we got up to during our stay.
We arrived on a Monday and having factored in several pit stops along the way, it was well after 5pm by the time we reached Bluestone. We knew this would be the case so all we had planned for that evening was to unpack and chill out.
Our First Family Holiday: Bluestone Wales – part 2
Last month Ian, the boys and I headed off to Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire, Wales for our first family holiday*. It was my first holiday in over 3 years and it was the first holiday the boys had ever been on. Last week I posted about Bluestone and our amazing lodge and this week I’m telling you about the things we got up to during our stay.
We arrived on a Monday and having factored in several pit stops along the way, it was well after 5pm by the time we reached Bluestone. We knew this would be the case so all we had planned for that evening was to unpack and chill out.
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week Sarah is sharing her beautiful birth story. She was induced after going 8 days overdue which then resulted in an emergency caesarean section.
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
We went in for induction Sunday morning at 8am due to high level of amniotic fluid and large estimated size of baby, 8 days over due date. I was examined by the midwife, I wasn’t dilated but she could just reach the cervix, and a pessary was inserted at 10am. I was put on a monitor for an hour and then we waited around having strolls in between to try and help things along.
Beautiful Births #5 - Sarah's Induction & Emergency C-Section
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week Sarah is sharing her beautiful birth story. She was induced after going 8 days overdue which then resulted in an emergency caesarean section.
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
We went in for induction Sunday morning at 8am due to high level of amniotic fluid and large estimated size of baby, 8 days over due date. I was examined by the midwife, I wasn’t dilated but she could just reach the cervix, and a pessary was inserted at 10am. I was put on a monitor for an hour and then we waited around having strolls in between to try and help things along.
Over the last 7 days Baby J has been a mini fashion blogger and has been wearing some super cute outfits* from the range of babywear at George at ASDA. I’ve been sharing the chosen outfits each day over Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the #WBabyWT hashtag along with extra photos of him looking ridiculously gorgeous in each outfit on my Instagram account.
The items I chose from the George at ASDA babywear range were: a campervan t-shirt and shorts set, a two-pack of t-shirts (one campervan design and one tropical print), a two-pack of shorts, a denim shirt & shorts set, a chambray all-in-one, a polo shirt & shorts set, a red stripe romper and a two-pack of sunhats. Everything arrived promptly by courier the day after being ordered.
Mini Style: George at ASDA Babywear #WBabyWT
Over the last 7 days Baby J has been a mini fashion blogger and has been wearing some super cute outfits* from the range of babywear at George at ASDA. I’ve been sharing the chosen outfits each day over Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the #WBabyWT hashtag along with extra photos of him looking ridiculously gorgeous in each outfit on my Instagram account.
The items I chose from the George at ASDA babywear range were: a campervan t-shirt and shorts set, a two-pack of t-shirts (one campervan design and one tropical print), a two-pack of shorts, a denim shirt & shorts set, a chambray all-in-one, a polo shirt & shorts set, a red stripe romper and a two-pack of sunhats. Everything arrived promptly by courier the day after being ordered.
Every time I think the world has finally calmed its tits about breastfeeding in public, another story hits the media and the planet goes mad again. My Facebook and Twitter feeds end up full of people bickering and then lo and behold someone makes a comment like:
“Yeah, it’s natural, but so is urinating and you don’t see me doing that in public, lol.”
There’s always a “lol” because omg that’s sooooo funny and original and nobody has ever said that before, ever. </sarcasm>
There is no comparison between breastfeeding and urinating. NONE. They are in no way, shape or form the same thing. Two completely different bodily functions, two completely different purposes.
For the small minority of people who need a lesson in biology some help understanding this here is a list of 10 reasons why breastfeeding and peeing are NOT THE SAME:
10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding and Urinating are NOT THE SAME
Every time I think the world has finally calmed its tits about breastfeeding in public, another story hits the media and the planet goes mad again. My Facebook and Twitter feeds end up full of people bickering and then lo and behold someone makes a comment like:
“Yeah, it’s natural, but so is urinating and you don’t see me doing that in public, lol.”
There’s always a “lol” because omg that’s sooooo funny and original and nobody has ever said that before, ever. </sarcasm>
There is no comparison between breastfeeding and urinating. NONE. They are in no way, shape or form the same thing. Two completely different bodily functions, two completely different purposes.
For the small minority of people who need a lesson in biology some help understanding this here is a list of 10 reasons why breastfeeding and peeing are NOT THE SAME:
Before I had my children, I used to be a regular gym-goer. I would go about three times a week, mixing it up with a yoga class, a spin class and a cardio workout. It was great! Since becoming a mummy, my priorities have changed and some of my personal hobbies had to go – my gym membership was one of them.
I miss going to workout classes at the gym; DVDs just aren’t the same. I can pause a DVD when I get tired, whereas being in a class spurs me to push myself and carry on. The instructor on the DVD can’t give me pointers or answer my questions. That’s where Hey Workout steps in!
REVIEW: Hey Workout
Before I had my children, I used to be a regular gym-goer. I would go about three times a week, mixing it up with a yoga class, a spin class and a cardio workout. It was great! Since becoming a mummy, my priorities have changed and some of my personal hobbies had to go – my gym membership was one of them.
I miss going to workout classes at the gym; DVDs just aren’t the same. I can pause a DVD when I get tired, whereas being in a class spurs me to push myself and carry on. The instructor on the DVD can’t give me pointers or answer my questions. That’s where Hey Workout steps in!
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week Samantha from Bohemian Mummy is sharing her beautiful birth story as a first-time mum planning for a natural birth.
Beautiful Births #4 - Samantha's Hospital Birth with Epidural
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week Samantha from Bohemian Mummy is sharing her beautiful birth story as a first-time mum planning for a natural birth.
The Holistic Kitchen is the creation of Sallyanne, who handcrafts gorgeous bespoke essential oil blends and holistic products using natural, raw ingredients. Using knowledge and expertise from her work as a massage therapist, she began creating her own household and skincare products after her son got eczema. The Holistic Kitchen was born and has grown since then, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on three beautiful products from the range: Lavender & Orange Lip Balm*, Calm My Mind Roller Blend* and Balance & Restore Facial Oil*.
REVIEW: The Holistic Kitchen
The Holistic Kitchen is the creation of Sallyanne, who handcrafts gorgeous bespoke essential oil blends and holistic products using natural, raw ingredients. Using knowledge and expertise from her work as a massage therapist, she began creating her own household and skincare products after her son got eczema. The Holistic Kitchen was born and has grown since then, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on three beautiful products from the range: Lavender & Orange Lip Balm*, Calm My Mind Roller Blend* and Balance & Restore Facial Oil*.
At the end of last month, during one of the hottest weeks of the year, we packed our bags, jumped in the car and drove for 5 hours to Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire, Wales for our first ever family holiday.
Ian and I have been on several holidays and weekends away as a couple, but since the birth of Little N in 2012 I have not been on holiday and neither have the boys! It was time to change that and the offer of a mid-week break* at Bluestone Wales was the perfect chance. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about Bluestone Wales and the lodge that we stayed in.
Our First Family Holiday: Bluestone Wales – part 1
At the end of last month, during one of the hottest weeks of the year, we packed our bags, jumped in the car and drove for 5 hours to Bluestone National Park Resort in Pembrokeshire, Wales for our first ever family holiday.
Ian and I have been on several holidays and weekends away as a couple, but since the birth of Little N in 2012 I have not been on holiday and neither have the boys! It was time to change that and the offer of a mid-week break* at Bluestone Wales was the perfect chance. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about Bluestone Wales and the lodge that we stayed in.
Babies seemingly need a lot of STUFF. Pregnant for the first time, I bought so much stuff for my baby that I ran out of space to put it all. Pregnant for the second time, I was a lot more conservative in my spending because, having done it all once before, I knew what was useful, what was useless and what I could buy preloved.
Out of all the things I’ve bought for my babies, here are three items I wish I’d bought preloved…
3 Baby Items I wish I’d Bought Preloved Using Wanna
Babies seemingly need a lot of STUFF. Pregnant for the first time, I bought so much stuff for my baby that I ran out of space to put it all. Pregnant for the second time, I was a lot more conservative in my spending because, having done it all once before, I knew what was useful, what was useless and what I could buy preloved.
Out of all the things I’ve bought for my babies, here are three items I wish I’d bought preloved…
Last month we made the decision to start giving the children, including Little N, pocket money. My stepchildren are 8 and 6 so they are more than old enough to understand the concept of pocket money but you might think it’s odd to give pocket money to a toddler.
Despite being only 2, he’s a smart kid and already understands that money is used to get things from shops. He loves being the one to pay at the till and sometimes he even picks things up in a shop and asks for “money mummy”! If he’s old enough to understand that then he’s old enough to start learning how money works.
Pocket Money for Toddlers
Last month we made the decision to start giving the children, including Little N, pocket money. My stepchildren are 8 and 6 so they are more than old enough to understand the concept of pocket money but you might think it’s odd to give pocket money to a toddler.
Despite being only 2, he’s a smart kid and already understands that money is used to get things from shops. He loves being the one to pay at the till and sometimes he even picks things up in a shop and asks for “money mummy”! If he’s old enough to understand that then he’s old enough to start learning how money works.
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week the lovely Leanne, from A Slice of My Life Wales, is sharing her beautiful birth story. Leanne and her husband were taken by surprise and had an unplanned, natural home birth!
How old are you? 30
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Five days overdue
What type of birth did you have? An unplanned, natural home birth
Did you use pain relief? Gas & Air
Who was present at the birth? My husband Spencer, a first response paramedic, two midwives and a breast feeding support worker. There was also an Ambulance on stand by outside with a further two paramedics but these weren't required.
What did your baby weigh? 5lbs 11.5
Did you have a boy or a girl? Girl
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications, unless of course you count not making it to the hospital as one!

How old are you? 30
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Five days overdue
What type of birth did you have? An unplanned, natural home birth
Did you use pain relief? Gas & Air
Who was present at the birth? My husband Spencer, a first response paramedic, two midwives and a breast feeding support worker. There was also an Ambulance on stand by outside with a further two paramedics but these weren't required.
What did your baby weigh? 5lbs 11.5
Did you have a boy or a girl? Girl
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications, unless of course you count not making it to the hospital as one!
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
On Thursday 26 February 2015 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Aria Sylvie, she was five days overdue and a tiny 5lbs 11.5oz.
Beautiful Births #3 - Leanne's Unplanned Home Birth
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week the lovely Leanne, from A Slice of My Life Wales, is sharing her beautiful birth story. Leanne and her husband were taken by surprise and had an unplanned, natural home birth!
How old are you? 30
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Five days overdue
What type of birth did you have? An unplanned, natural home birth
Did you use pain relief? Gas & Air
Who was present at the birth? My husband Spencer, a first response paramedic, two midwives and a breast feeding support worker. There was also an Ambulance on stand by outside with a further two paramedics but these weren't required.
What did your baby weigh? 5lbs 11.5
Did you have a boy or a girl? Girl
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications, unless of course you count not making it to the hospital as one!

How old are you? 30
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Five days overdue
What type of birth did you have? An unplanned, natural home birth
Did you use pain relief? Gas & Air
Who was present at the birth? My husband Spencer, a first response paramedic, two midwives and a breast feeding support worker. There was also an Ambulance on stand by outside with a further two paramedics but these weren't required.
What did your baby weigh? 5lbs 11.5
Did you have a boy or a girl? Girl
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications, unless of course you count not making it to the hospital as one!
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
On Thursday 26 February 2015 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Aria Sylvie, she was five days overdue and a tiny 5lbs 11.5oz.
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week’s birth story is from Michele, a friend of mine, who is sharing her second birth experience: an incredible home hypno water birth.
How old are you? 29
Is this your first baby? 2nd
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Right on time
What type of birth did you have? Home hypno water birth
Did you use pain relief? No
Who was present at the birth? My Doula Hayley, my partner Stewart and my daughter Ember
What did your baby weigh? 6lb 6oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? Straight forward
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
How old are you? 29
Is this your first baby? 2nd
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Right on time
What type of birth did you have? Home hypno water birth
Did you use pain relief? No
Who was present at the birth? My Doula Hayley, my partner Stewart and my daughter Ember
What did your baby weigh? 6lb 6oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? Straight forward
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[image: eyeliam] |
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
After almost a week of shows and false starts on Thursday I had a sweep. By Thursday evening I was having regular moderately strong surges. I sat on the ball and watched comedy and the surges got stronger and closer together so we called our doula (and friend!) Hayley. She came round and I got in the birth pool.
Beautiful Births #2 - Michele's Home Hypno Water Birth
I love reading birth stories! After sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their wonderful birth stories with me too. I’m absolutely delighted that so many people want to share with me! If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week’s birth story is from Michele, a friend of mine, who is sharing her second birth experience: an incredible home hypno water birth.
How old are you? 29
Is this your first baby? 2nd
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Right on time
What type of birth did you have? Home hypno water birth
Did you use pain relief? No
Who was present at the birth? My Doula Hayley, my partner Stewart and my daughter Ember
What did your baby weigh? 6lb 6oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? Straight forward
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
How old are you? 29
Is this your first baby? 2nd
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Right on time
What type of birth did you have? Home hypno water birth
Did you use pain relief? No
Who was present at the birth? My Doula Hayley, my partner Stewart and my daughter Ember
What did your baby weigh? 6lb 6oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? Straight forward
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[image: eyeliam] |
Tell me your beautiful birth story…
After almost a week of shows and false starts on Thursday I had a sweep. By Thursday evening I was having regular moderately strong surges. I sat on the ball and watched comedy and the surges got stronger and closer together so we called our doula (and friend!) Hayley. She came round and I got in the birth pool.
You’d have to have been living under a rock – or maybe a different country – on Friday night/Saturday morning to have missed the thunderstorms that raged across the UK. Where I live, in north Hertfordshire, it was SO loud and SO bright with each flash of lightning that it lit up my road as if it was daytime.
I couldn’t sleep through it so I stood at the window watching for a while. Then I wondered if I would be able to capture a lightning bolt on camera. I couldn’t work out what setting to put my DSLR on for that kind of photo [noob], so instead I resorted to my trusty phone [I have a Samsung Galaxy S5].
I stood at the window with my phone pressed against the glass, and whenever I thought there might be a flash of lightning I tapped my phone several times in quick succession.
I must have taken about 500 photos in total and most of them were just photographs of darkness. However, amongst all the black, it turned out that I’d managed to capture 4 photos showing a lightning bolt spreading across the sky.
Pretty cool, huh!
Did you watch the lightning?
If you like my photos you’ll find more on my Instagram!
Thunder & Lightning
You’d have to have been living under a rock – or maybe a different country – on Friday night/Saturday morning to have missed the thunderstorms that raged across the UK. Where I live, in north Hertfordshire, it was SO loud and SO bright with each flash of lightning that it lit up my road as if it was daytime.
I couldn’t sleep through it so I stood at the window watching for a while. Then I wondered if I would be able to capture a lightning bolt on camera. I couldn’t work out what setting to put my DSLR on for that kind of photo [noob], so instead I resorted to my trusty phone [I have a Samsung Galaxy S5].
I stood at the window with my phone pressed against the glass, and whenever I thought there might be a flash of lightning I tapped my phone several times in quick succession.
I must have taken about 500 photos in total and most of them were just photographs of darkness. However, amongst all the black, it turned out that I’d managed to capture 4 photos showing a lightning bolt spreading across the sky.
Pretty cool, huh!
Did you watch the lightning?
If you like my photos you’ll find more on my Instagram!
If you're about my age *cough* early thirties *cough* then you'll remember the song "Closing Time" by Semisonic. It was released in 1998 and like a lot of people I've always thought it was about the end of a night out. You know, when the bartender calls time and everyone starts to pile out of the pub or bar. It's a great song and I've often found myself singing along to it, reliving funny nights out.
Only tonight, over a decade later, I've learned the real meaning behind this song. And as a mother of two boys, it really resonated with me. It's beautiful. I cried. And you probably will too.
The Real Meaning Behind Semisonic's "Closing Time" Made Me Cry
If you're about my age *cough* early thirties *cough* then you'll remember the song "Closing Time" by Semisonic. It was released in 1998 and like a lot of people I've always thought it was about the end of a night out. You know, when the bartender calls time and everyone starts to pile out of the pub or bar. It's a great song and I've often found myself singing along to it, reliving funny nights out.
Only tonight, over a decade later, I've learned the real meaning behind this song. And as a mother of two boys, it really resonated with me. It's beautiful. I cried. And you probably will too.
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