Taking inspiration from Aby at You Baby Me Mummy, I’ve decided to start doing a little round-up post each week. It will make me take time to reflect on each week rather than just losing my life to Facebook statuses and Instagram posts. You can find the link to Aby’s blog and linky below.
- My favourite photo this week is of Baby J enjoying a nap and looking utterly gorgeous.
- Little N has nailed potty training in under a week [actually, 3 days!]
- I met up with my friend Erica and her two girls at Standalone Farm – I’ve not seen her in 6 months!
- I also met up with my friend Katy and her two girls – we nattered for 6 hours!
- I’ve broken my laptop. Actually, Ian did it. Accidentally of course. But still a disaster!
- I’m a Huffington Post contributor, woohoo!
- I’ve collaborated with some other amazing bloggers to create Positive About Breastfeeding and it’s creating quite the buzz on Facebook.
- I’ve started working on my blog’s Facebook page and have reached 500 followers, yay!
- My most popular post this week was 10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding and Urinating are NOT THE SAME.
- My favourite post this week was part 2 of our holiday to Bluestone Wales. It’s lovely to look back at the photos and I can’t wait to go there again.