Baby J is 10 Months Old

baby 10 month update

How big? Baby J turned 10 months old last week. He had his 10 month review with the Health Visitor on Tuesday so I now have his exact measurements rather than me using my inaccurate bathroom scales! He now weighs 21lbs 6ozs and is 76cm long. He has been wearing size 9-12 month clothes since 8.5 months and they are still fitting well.

Eating? He still loves his food, especially fruit. He is mad about strawberries and plums, to the point that when I offered a cheeky little slice of pizza he rejected it in favour of strawberries. He seems to be a fan of chickpeas in their various forms, such as hummus and falafels which I’ve been making from scratch using our Babymoov Nutribaby.  
Breastfeeding? He hasn’t dropped any more feeds recently. He still only asks for milk when he wakes up in the morning, before naptimes and bedtime, and then obviously his night feeds.
Sleeping? We still seem to be going through the growth spurt that I mentioned last month, oh joy of joys. I desperately need to get some black out blinds or curtains as he has been waking up at 5am and not going back to sleep. He is ready to start the day and I most certainly am not! I think it’s because it is so light by then and our bedroom curtains are ridiculously flimsy. Speaking of bedrooms, once this growth spurt is out of the way I am thinking of moving J into N’s room, eek!
Milestones? We’ve had lots this month!
  • Cuddles! He loves to hold on tight and give proper cuddles.
  • New teeth! Number 3 and 4 have made an appearance.
  • Cruising everywhere!
  • J can walk using a walker or holding hands.
  • He is babbling lots – although the Health Visitor said he didn’t score well on communication so she will be following up in 3 months to see if he has improved.
  • He has said “mum” once.
  • He ADORES Little N and is interacting with him more.
  • He love swings; I have just bought one for our garden.
  • He loves to build little towers out of his wooden blocks. Just two or three blocks at a time.
Me? I have been rubbish with “Bye Bye Mum Tum” and have not made much effort – someone give me a kick! it’s hard because I am so tired at the moment. Once this growth spurt is over I am sure I will feel better. I had my haircut last weekend – still rocking a long bob [lob?!] which I love and treated myself to a few new clothes which has made me feel fab!
Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month, Two Month, Three Month, Four Month, Five Month, Six Month, Seven Month, Eight Month and Nine Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC.

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