A Week In My Life #2

I recently decided to start doing a little round-up post each week. It will make me take time to reflect on each week rather than just losing my life to Facebook statuses and Instagram posts. This week is actually more like a fortnight in my life, as I was crazy busy last week with World Breastfeeding Week so I didn’t get a chance to write a post!



  • My favourite photo is of the boys playing. Baby J is totally intrigued by what Little N is doing.
  • Little N had a hair cut - as you can see in the photo it was getting rather shaggy!
  • We've been looking at preschools for Little N to potentially attend from next month.
  • We have been to Standalone Farm, Ark Farm, football class and to the cinema to see Inside Out, which we loved.
  • We’re getting through the rainy days by baking and crafting.
  • My brother has booked his wedding – in the Dominican Republic, woohoo!
  • I’m starting to think about birthdays. J’s is in 6 weeks and N’s is 5 weeks after that. I am planning a joint birthday party somewhere in the middle of the two.


What have you been up to this week?

You Baby Me Mummy
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