REVIEW: Fisher-Price Smart Stages Scooter

My littlest little has recently started to stand and cruise and walk with support. He loves using whatever he can to aid his toddling abilities – his wooden brick trolley, his brother’s Spherovelo, even our dining chairs get pushed about the house! When the Fisher-Price Smart Stages Scooter* (£36.99) arrived recently both of my boys were delighted.

fisher-price smart stages scooter review

The Smart Stages range from Fisher-Price features a range of toys with their unique technology that allows parents to change the learning content as the child grows. The three levels of the Smart Stages technology are:

Level 1 – Explore – 6M+ First words and sounds spark baby’s curiosity.
Level 2 - Encourage – 12M+ Prompt baby through questions and simple directions.
Level 3 – Pretend – 18M+ Imaginative fun and early role play

fisherprice smart stages scooter review

This cute red baby ride on toy with its bright yellow and blue features encourages little ones to develop their motor skills by rewarding them with fun phrases, songs and sounds as they scoot along. The scooter’s dashboard has 3 buttons, a working horn and a clicker key to teach them about cause and effect as well as introduced shapes, numbers, opposites and colours.

fisher price scooter smart stages review

The scooter is suitable from ages 12 months and up, however even at the young age of 10.5 months Baby J is having a whale of a time playing with it. He mostly loves to hold onto the chunky yellow handlebars with smiley face and the scooter is the perfect height for him support himself as he pushes it around the room backwards. It is not too heavy for him, but sturdy enough to support him without tipping over. When he is feeling brave he sits on it properly and has a go at scooting.

smart stages scooter fisherprice review

Little N is a big fan of ride on toys; they are his favourite thing to play with at soft play centres and we have a couple at home already. He was thrilled to add the Fisher-Price Smart Stages Scooter to the collection and it is his current favourite – he especially likes to have a go just at the same time that J has chosen to play with it! Typical toddler! The great thing about this scooter is that with a simply slide of the switch I can change the learning content to level 3 to make it more suitable for his stage of development, and simply switch back to level 1 when J wants to play again.

fisher-price smart stages scooter pinterest

I think the Fisher-Price Smart Stages Scooter is a fantastic toy for babies to grow up with rather than grow out of. My boys are getting to hone their gross motor skills and learn about colours, numbers, shapes and songs all whilst having a lot of fun. And if you have a baby and a toddler like I do, it is the perfect toy for them both to enjoy!

Do your little ones like playing with ride on toys?

*I was sent this toy in return for an honest review.
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