Baby J is 11 Months Old

baby 11 months old

How big? Last week Baby J turned 11 months old. 11 months old! I can’t quite believe it. He now weights 22lbs 1ozs and is 76cm-ish long. It's really hard to measure his height because he will not lie still!  He has outgrown his 9-12 month wardrobe and is now sporting his 12-18 month clothes.
Eating? Me out of house and home! He eats more than Little N, and often eats more than my stepchildren who are 6 and 8! He is still mad about fruit and will demolish an entire punnet of raspberries by himself. He also love yogurt and gets angry when he finishes his little pot. He isn’t such a fan of things like cheese or bread. He’s also trying to use his fork which is so clever!
Breastfeeding? I think J may be dropping his morning feed already. He still feeds at naptime, bedtime and once or twice through the night. But he isn’t as fussed about having a feed in the morning; he is much more interested in getting his breakfast!
Sleeping? [whispers] I think we might be over the growth spurt now. J is a lot more settled at night time. Obviously he still wakes for a feed once or twice through the night, but he fairly settled otherwise and now sleeps until 6-7am most mornings.
  • Kisses. He comes at you with a slobbery open mouth, it’s so cute!
  • First steps. He took his first steps a week before he turned 11 months.
  • Babbling more. We’ve not had any words but it’s like he is trying to speak and he often tells me off!
  • Playing with cars. He loves to crawl along pushing cars.

Me? I’ve decided to start trying to find more time in the evenings for me-time. My days are non-stop with looking after the boys and the evenings are just me cooking for everyone then doing bedtime. Once that’s over I am knackered and am ready for bed myself! Ian says that I get plenty of time to myself and that taking the children to toddler group is just me socialising, but I totally disagree. I actually treated myself to a bath the other night – for the first time in about a year! – I chucked in a Lush bath ballistic and took a hot chocolate and book to read. It was amazing!

Missed an update? Catch up with Baby J’s One Month, Two Month, Three Month, Four Month, Five Month, Six Month, Seven Month, Eight Month, Nine Month and Ten Month updates, and read my birth stories here: The Emergency C-Section and The VBAC.

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