A Week In My Life #4

Welcome to another little round-up of my week. Or should I say fortnight, because I didn’t do one last week! Oops. I do really enjoy doing these posts, it’s so nice to look back at the week and take stock of everything we have been doing.


week in my life - quite frankly she said



  • As you can tell from the photo I’ve chosen for this week’s post, we have been baking! We made chewy oat and cereal bars which were really yummy. I will be sharing the recipe next week.

  • We went to my brother’s engagement dinner last weekend. The boys were impeccably behaved, although their white shirts were ruined as we were at an Italian restaurant!

  • It was my Dad’s birthday over the bank holiday and he had a family BBQ.

  • Baby J turned 11 months on Sunday – his monthly update will be up soon – and he started walking properly yesterday.

  • We are waiting to see one more preschool before deciding where Little N will be going.

  • To celebrate the end of summer, some of Little N’s friends came for a fancy dress party yesterday. I will be sharing some of the photos next week.




What have you been up to this week?


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