Welcome to another little round-up of my week. Or should I say fortnight, because I didn’t do one last week! Oops. I do really enjoy doing these posts, it’s so nice to look back at the week and take stock of everything we have been doing.
As you can tell from the photo I’ve chosen for this week’s post, we have been baking! We made chewy oat and cereal bars which were really yummy. I will be sharing the recipe next week.
We went to my brother’s engagement dinner last weekend. The boys were impeccably behaved, although their white shirts were ruined as we were at an Italian restaurant!
It was my Dad’s birthday over the bank holiday and he had a family BBQ.
Baby J turned 11 months on Sunday – his monthly update will be up soon – and he started walking properly yesterday.
We are waiting to see one more preschool before deciding where Little N will be going.
To celebrate the end of summer, some of Little N’s friends came for a fancy dress party yesterday. I will be sharing some of the photos next week.
I’ve reached 600 followers on Facebook – you can like my page here.
I’m a Miffy Mum! I will be introducing you to some new Miffy products over the coming months.
My most popular post this week is the Mothers Love Cookies review and giveaway. Have you entered yet?
My favourite post this week is Natalie’s birth story. Her babies like to make early arrivals!
Current giveaways: Mothers Love Cookies, The New You Plan, Maple Holistics.
What have you been up to this week?
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