A Week In My Life #5

Once again I missed last week’s update. I was having a rather rubbish week so decided to skip a couple of blog posts and just focus on the boys. I’m glad I did as we had a much better week this week.


week in my life



  • We had lots of deliveries this week and the boys have loved playing with the cardboard boxes. It’s such a cliché, but they have had more fun with empty boxes than any of their toys!

  • It was Ian’s birthday so we went out for dinner with all four of the children and had a wonderful time.

  • I made an awesome anti-gravity cake. Check it out below.

  • We have been trying some new play groups this week and bumped into someone I used to talk to at baby groups when N was a baby  - so over 2 years ago! She also has a second baby, who was born the same day as J. What are the chances!

  • We’ve been at party after party as lots of N’s friends turn 3. I’m still deciding what to do for his birthday which is in November, and J’s birthday which is at the end of this month.


A photo posted by Sian (@quitefranklyshesaid) on



What have you been up to this week?


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