My Dream Bathroom

Ian and I are currently saving to buy our own home, as we currently live in a privately rented house. I often spend time looking at houses for sale and imagining what I would do with them. We’d love to buy a doer-upper so that we could complete refit the bathroom. I’ve found the perfect bathroom suite that I would love to have in my house!

SV5700108 Metro_Compact_3_Piece_Bath_Suite_(0108)-bathrooms_com-scene-rectangle-medium-white

The Metro Compact 3 Piece Bath Suite is a modern take on the classic design with the freestanding bath. I love the sleek lines and curves. The counter top basin looks ultra stylish. I am currently obsessed with greys and yellows – well, I say currently, I have had a thing for this colour combination for about a year now! I’d pick the following bath mat and towels from Ikea and the bathroom mirror from B&Q to add the finishing touches to my dream bathroom.

dream bathroom

What is your bathroom like? Do you like freestanding baths or do you prefer fitted baths? What sort of colours would you have in your dream bathroom?

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