It Could Have Been Us - Save Syria's Children

I’d do anything for my children. I’d do anything for their happiness, safety, comfort and security. I’d cross mountains, rivers, lands and seas to keep them safe. I’m lucky. My family and I are lucky. Because while I can say that as simply as a figure of speech, for some families it is a reality. Actually, scratch that. For many families it is a reality.

Syria’s civil war is the worst humanitarian disaster of our time. Since 2011 more than 11 million innocent people have been displaced, and the number is growing. Over 220,000 lives have been lost. More than half of the Syrian refugees are children. Children who have lost everything.
This week photos of drowned children washed up on Turkish beaches have filled social media and news outlets. In particular the photo of Aylan Kurdi, who was just 3 years old. Aylan drowned with his 5 year old brother Ghalib and their mother, and his photos have been shared countless times.

I did not sleep the night I saw those photos. I have struggled to sleep since. I have cried every day. My son will be 3 in November: the same age as little Aylan. They have the same chubby little fingers and small toddler shoes. I saw those photos and thought "that could have been my children."

I can't imagine what it must have been like for their parents, making the decision to risk everything to reach a place of safety. To make a choice that will most likely result in loss, yet still be their best option. To tell their children that “it’s okay, everything will be okay”, whilst hiding the fear from their own faces.

Some people have said that their parents shouldn't have put them on the boat at all. That all these people are wrong for putting themselves in danger in the first place. But doesn't that tell you everything? They're risking their lives because being in a boat in the middle of the unpredictable sea is safer than staying on land in Syria.

There’s lots that you could do from the comfort of your own home.

Please don’t turn a blind eye.

Do Something to help.


Whatever you decide, don’t choose apathy.

To donate £5 please text SYRIA to 70008

Or donate online via Save The Children


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