My little tiny baby boy is no longer a little tiny baby boy. He is a strapping, lively, fun-loving one year old! He is a toddler! Can you believe it? I can’t. I swear he was born just yesterday. I know all parents will say that, but J’s first 12 months have absolutely flown by, so much faster than Little N’s first year. I guess it’s because I am running around – literally – after two of them that the time has gone so much quicker this time.
We started the day by opening presents and cards before Ian had to go to work. We originally thought we would just get J one small gift and put money into his savings, because we still have so many of N’s toys. We found so many lovely things though that we got him quite a lot of new toys! They were all wooden too. He got a fabulous wooden post box with little letters to post, which I had hoped would distract him from posting things in the bin but it hasn’t worked! I just adore J’s fuzzy bed hair in these photos.
My Nanna (my boys’ great-Nanna) came to visit later that morning whilst I panicked trying to make a rainbow cake. I’ve seen rainbow cakes so many times before and they always look brilliant, so I decided I wanted one for J’s birthday! It was quite stressful especially when I ran out of sugar part-way through but I got there in the end. I am pleased with how it turned out. It may not have been as perfect as a shop-bought cake but there was a whole lot of love in this cake! And it tasted great.
My Dad and his girlfriend were due to visit later in the afternoon but they were running late, really late. So when Ian got home from work with my stepchildren we sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and J got to blow out his candle. Sort of. He kind of stared at it bewildered and kept trying to touch the flame!
Little J had a lovely birthday in all, even though I was very stressed out and frazzled by the end of it – I’ll go into why on another post. He even got to enjoy his rainbow birthday cake for breakfast the next day! You’re only 1 once after all!
How did your baby celebrate their first birthday?
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