Peppa Pig’s Surprise! Live Tour 2015/2016

Last year on Little N’s second birthday he received a set of Peppa Pig jigsaw puzzles. From that moment on his Peppa Pig obsession began; every morning he has to watch an episode or five before we are allowed to do anything else! He is now at an age where he has the attention span to sit through a theatre performance and next year we are going to be taking the boys to see the brand new live stage show, Peppa Pig’s Surprise!

PP party logo
Surprise! Peppa Pig, George and their friends are back in a brand new live stage show,Peppa Pig's Surprise.
It's a lovely day and Peppa is playing outside with her friends. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have got a surprise for her and George - they can't guess what it is, can you?
Enjoy fun, games and of course, surprises in this charming, colourful new show with new songs and new life size puppets, Peppa Pig's Surprise promises to be the perfect theatre show for all pre-schoolers!

Production image by Dan Tsantilis from Peppa Pig's Big Splash tour 2013 & 2014

Doesn’t it sound brilliant? Little N is very excited – and so am I! We will be going to the performance at the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage in June, however there are shows all over the countries from this month onwards! I’ll be writing a post sharing our thoughts once we’ve been, but in the meantime if you’d like to take your little ones to see Peppa Pig and her friends you can check the tour and booking details here:

Are your children fans of Peppa Pig? Let me know in the comments below!

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