Weekly Meal Planner #8

You might have noticed that there was no weekly meal planner last week. After J’s first birthday, a trip to A&E and a day at Blog On (more on that to come!) I ended up getting wayyy behind and we had a week of thrown together dinners and naughty takeaways. We’re back to normal now though, so here’s what’s on our menu this week.


weekly meal planner 8


1. Loaded spicy nachos

2. Vegetarian pad Thai

3. Butter bean & herb mash with pak choi

4.Carrot & caraway soup

5.Spaghetti with tomato & black olive sauce

6. Lentils with Portobello mushrooms, garlic & wine, and mash 

7. Pizza!

      What’s on your family’s menu this week? Let me know in the comments below!


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