Like a lot of children his age, Little N is a big fan of Thomas & Friends. Not only is it fun to watch, it has also helped him to learn his colours and numbers. He was very excited when we received the Thomas & Friends My Push & Learn Thomas* from KD UK. It’s described as the ultimate train for fun and learning, as it helps children discover numbers, letters, colours, shapes and characters from the Thomas & Friends!
Thomas & Friends My Push & Learn Thomas has a variety of buttons on both sides. On one side are different shaped buttons featuring some of the characters from Thomas & Friends, along with a tick and a cross. On the other side are the letters A-D and the numbers 1-4 which are in different colours. The funnel on Thomas is also a button which starts a quiz when pressed. And if your child isn't in the mood for learning, it can just be used as a simple push along toy!
Little N knows how to count from 1-10 and now we're working on learning how to recognise the numbers. I've also recently been teaching him about different colours, so he takes great pride in being able to point out the numbers and colours on his Push & Learn Thomas. And of course, teaching me who each of the engines are!
N mostly loves to play the quiz. When you press the funnel, it will give you an instruction such as "find the triangle" or "find the number 3". It might even ask you a question about Thomas and his friends to test your knowledge, such as asking if Thomas is blue. With these questions you then press either the tick or the cross button to answer. Amazingly, since getting this toy Little N has started to recognise shapes which is brilliant!
We've had our Thomas & Friends My Push & Learn Thomas for about a month now, and it is played with every single day by both of the boys. Of course, Little N gets more out of it as he can play the quiz but J does love pushing it around too!
The only downside for me is that it doesn't have an off button or a volume switch so I end up having to hide it when they've been having a marathon Thomas session! It is a great toy though: lots of fun and educational without them even realising it.
Thomas & Friends My Push & Learn Thomas is available in shops such as Toys'r'Us and Argos for £19.99.
*PR sample