At the start of this month, Katy & I launched our new Instagram project, #MyHappyCapture. The aim of the project is to celebrate your happy moments, those that make you smile. We want to use the hashtag to build an Instagram community where you can share photos that encompass happiness.
My Happy Capture: January Round-up
At the start of this month, Katy & I launched our new Instagram project, #MyHappyCapture. The aim of the project is to celebrate your happy moments, those that make you smile. We want to use the hashtag to build an Instagram community where you can share photos that encompass happiness.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
January has whizzed by in such a rush and blur of swimming lessons, school runs and days out, so I'm really glad that I do this weekly post. I would struggle to remember the things we do otherwise! Has January gone as quickly for you?
As we wave goodbye to the first month of the year here is a little look at what has made me happy this week:
Happy Days: Daddy's Home
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
January has whizzed by in such a rush and blur of swimming lessons, school runs and days out, so I'm really glad that I do this weekly post. I would struggle to remember the things we do otherwise! Has January gone as quickly for you?
As we wave goodbye to the first month of the year here is a little look at what has made me happy this week:
It's so interesting to watch children grow and see their little personalities develop. Their likes, their interests, their favourite activities quickly begin to show. At just 16 months old J is showing a real love of music, singing and dancing. A few weeks ago he was sent his very own Sing-Along Book & CD from I See Me!
Review: I See Me! Personalised Sing-Along Book & CD
It's so interesting to watch children grow and see their little personalities develop. Their likes, their interests, their favourite activities quickly begin to show. At just 16 months old J is showing a real love of music, singing and dancing. A few weeks ago he was sent his very own Sing-Along Book & CD from I See Me!
This post contains affiliate links which are marked with an asterisk.
With six people's laundry to do, it can often feel like a never-ending task. I do actually enjoy doing it, the weirdo that I am. I find it therapeutic and just love the smell of fresh laundry. I still want to be efficient though! Here are my 10 favourite laundry tricks, hacks and tips.
My 10 Best Laundry Tips, Tricks & Hacks
This post contains affiliate links which are marked with an asterisk.
With six people's laundry to do, it can often feel like a never-ending task. I do actually enjoy doing it, the weirdo that I am. I find it therapeutic and just love the smell of fresh laundry. I still want to be efficient though! Here are my 10 favourite laundry tricks, hacks and tips.
I had been hoping for a snowstorm so we could really put Little N's new winter coat and boots from Hatley through their paces and get some gorgeous snowy photos to show you, however when the snow arrived last week it was a mere sprinkle and melted away before we could get in it! Never mind.
Hatley is a Canadian brand which started in a small town in Quebec some 30 years ago and and has grown into an international clothing company. After the recent launch of the UK website, Hatley are launching their first UK store on Chiswick High Street, London.
Mini Style: Hatley Winter Coat & Boots
I had been hoping for a snowstorm so we could really put Little N's new winter coat and boots from Hatley through their paces and get some gorgeous snowy photos to show you, however when the snow arrived last week it was a mere sprinkle and melted away before we could get in it! Never mind.
Hatley is a Canadian brand which started in a small town in Quebec some 30 years ago and and has grown into an international clothing company. After the recent launch of the UK website, Hatley are launching their first UK store on Chiswick High Street, London.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
Isn't January just flying by? It feels like only yesterday we were celebrating the new year yet here we are about to head into the final week of the month! Last weekend was very quiet, I didn't do much at all other than potter about doing chores at home and blog admin. The week has been pretty busy though.
Happy Days: Bewildered & Bold
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
Isn't January just flying by? It feels like only yesterday we were celebrating the new year yet here we are about to head into the final week of the month! Last weekend was very quiet, I didn't do much at all other than potter about doing chores at home and blog admin. The week has been pretty busy though.
Bathtime in my house can be mayhem. I bath the boys together, then let them play with their toys whilst I sit next to the bath getting soaked by their splashes. Once they finally agree to get out the next challenge is getting them dried. Little N is fine as he understands that he'll feel cold if he doesn't dry off quickly. J, on the other hand, refuses to keep his towel on and instead runs around the house completely naked, teeth chattering, until he has air dried! We were sent a Cuddledry Cuddlepaw towel to try, from their range of toddler dress up towels. Could this be the solution?
REVIEW: Cuddledry Cuddlepaw Toddler 'Dress Up' Towel
Bathtime in my house can be mayhem. I bath the boys together, then let them play with their toys whilst I sit next to the bath getting soaked by their splashes. Once they finally agree to get out the next challenge is getting them dried. Little N is fine as he understands that he'll feel cold if he doesn't dry off quickly. J, on the other hand, refuses to keep his towel on and instead runs around the house completely naked, teeth chattering, until he has air dried! We were sent a Cuddledry Cuddlepaw towel to try, from their range of toddler dress up towels. Could this be the solution?
January is always the month of change. New resolutions, new goals, new aims, new aspirations for the year ahead. I don't like to make resolutions, mostly because my mind goes blank and I make a load of rubbish up, but also because I'll forget about them after a week. I do like to set myself little goals and try to make small, positive changes to my life. I was sent a copy of The Book of YOU, which Jamie Oliver describes as "small, easy steps for big, life-changing results." The book is full of daily micro-actions, 365 of them, to help you make change happen in bite-sized chunks.
January is always the month of change. New resolutions, new goals, new aims, new aspirations for the year ahead. I don't like to make resolutions, mostly because my mind goes blank and I make a load of rubbish up, but also because I'll forget about them after a week. I do like to set myself little goals and try to make small, positive changes to my life. I was sent a copy of The Book of YOU, which Jamie Oliver describes as "small, easy steps for big, life-changing results." The book is full of daily micro-actions, 365 of them, to help you make change happen in bite-sized chunks.
I'm really excited to tell you that I have teamed up with online interior design store Houseology to give you the chance to win £300 to spend on one of their top brands, Eichholtz. Filled with stylish brands, beautiful products and wonderful interior design ideas and advice, Houseology provides everything you need to make your own interior design decisions.
GIVEAWAY: Win £300 with Houseology
I'm really excited to tell you that I have teamed up with online interior design store Houseology to give you the chance to win £300 to spend on one of their top brands, Eichholtz. Filled with stylish brands, beautiful products and wonderful interior design ideas and advice, Houseology provides everything you need to make your own interior design decisions.
I absolutely love reading birth stories as every experience is so unique, and after sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their beautiful birth stories with me, too. If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week the gorgeous Lisa from Mummascribbles, is sharing her birth story. She had a planned c-section after finding out that her baby was in the breech position.
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Six days early
What type of birth did you have? A planned c-section
Did you use pain relief? Spinal
Who was present at the birth? My other half, a surgeon, anaesthetist, midwife and several others!
What did your baby weigh? 7lbs 1oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications
Beautiful Births #13 - Lisa's Planned Breech C-Section
I absolutely love reading birth stories as every experience is so unique, and after sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their beautiful birth stories with me, too. If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week the gorgeous Lisa from Mummascribbles, is sharing her birth story. She had a planned c-section after finding out that her baby was in the breech position.
Is this your first baby? Yes
Was your baby early, overdue, or right on time? Six days early
What type of birth did you have? A planned c-section
Did you use pain relief? Spinal
Who was present at the birth? My other half, a surgeon, anaesthetist, midwife and several others!
What did your baby weigh? 7lbs 1oz
Did you have a boy or a girl? Boy
Was it straightforward or were there any complications? No complications
As much as I love my children and as wanted as they were, I have to admit I do miss having time alone with my partner. Before our children came along we used to have a lot of dates, several times a week in fact! We'd go out to dinner or for drinks, we had lots of weekend breaks and bigger holidays, we always had something in the diary. If there wasn't something planned, we would do something on the spur of the moment.

Of course, having children changes all that. Priorities shift and at the very least the spontaneity is lost for a while. My youngest still needs me a lot and is nowhere near ready to be left with grandparents for the night. We're okay with that, because we made the choice to become parents and we know how quickly these years will pass. Still, it's nice to find ways to reconnect every now and then so here are 10 date-night ideas for couples with children when time is limited. And yes, some of them are daytime ideas, because let's face it, you've got to make the most of any opportunity!
10 Date-Night Ideas For Couples With Children
As much as I love my children and as wanted as they were, I have to admit I do miss having time alone with my partner. Before our children came along we used to have a lot of dates, several times a week in fact! We'd go out to dinner or for drinks, we had lots of weekend breaks and bigger holidays, we always had something in the diary. If there wasn't something planned, we would do something on the spur of the moment.

Of course, having children changes all that. Priorities shift and at the very least the spontaneity is lost for a while. My youngest still needs me a lot and is nowhere near ready to be left with grandparents for the night. We're okay with that, because we made the choice to become parents and we know how quickly these years will pass. Still, it's nice to find ways to reconnect every now and then so here are 10 date-night ideas for couples with children when time is limited. And yes, some of them are daytime ideas, because let's face it, you've got to make the most of any opportunity!
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
It's been really easy to pick my happy moments from this week, as there have been so many! Last week ended on a high as Ian and I made time to go on a date. Without the children. Oh yes! We went to the cinema to see Star Wars and despite the fact that I have never seen any of the other Star Wars films I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was the second time Ian had watched it, he didn't spoil any of it for me though.
Happy Days: Flowers & Falafel
"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness."
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
It's been really easy to pick my happy moments from this week, as there have been so many! Last week ended on a high as Ian and I made time to go on a date. Without the children. Oh yes! We went to the cinema to see Star Wars and despite the fact that I have never seen any of the other Star Wars films I thoroughly enjoyed it! It was the second time Ian had watched it, he didn't spoil any of it for me though.
I'm really enjoying getting back into fashion. You know, regular fashion. Not maternity wear, not mumsy comfy stuff, but clothes that make me feel good about myself. Over the autumn and winter months I've treated myself to some gorgeous tops, and I found a pair of brand new beautiful boots that I bought a few years ago and had totally forgotten about! Before I had children I'd spend most of my disposable income on clothes, shoes and beauty products, so it's not a huge surprise that I have these forgotten boots. In fact, they were just one of about five pairs of unworn shoes and boots I discovered. Whoops!

Mama Style: Bo & Bel Teething Necklace
I'm really enjoying getting back into fashion. You know, regular fashion. Not maternity wear, not mumsy comfy stuff, but clothes that make me feel good about myself. Over the autumn and winter months I've treated myself to some gorgeous tops, and I found a pair of brand new beautiful boots that I bought a few years ago and had totally forgotten about! Before I had children I'd spend most of my disposable income on clothes, shoes and beauty products, so it's not a huge surprise that I have these forgotten boots. In fact, they were just one of about five pairs of unworn shoes and boots I discovered. Whoops!

One of the most exciting purchases I made during my first pregnancy was my pushchair. My friend and I were pregnant at the same time and so we went shopping together, and actually both chose the same pushchair! It served me well for the best part of three years, seeing me through two babies. There comes a point when a lightweight stroller is more convenient than a heavier pushchair and I was delighted to be offered the chance to try one of Summer Infant's new lightweight strollers: the UME One.
REVIEW: Summer Infant UME One Stroller
One of the most exciting purchases I made during my first pregnancy was my pushchair. My friend and I were pregnant at the same time and so we went shopping together, and actually both chose the same pushchair! It served me well for the best part of three years, seeing me through two babies. There comes a point when a lightweight stroller is more convenient than a heavier pushchair and I was delighted to be offered the chance to try one of Summer Infant's new lightweight strollers: the UME One.

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and to be loved"
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
This week saw my biggest parenting milestone ever: Little N started preschool on Wednesday! You may be thinking, why is that a big deal, surely all kids start at some point? Yes, that is true. But not all kids have spent every day of their life, except for one, with their mother. Apart from when I went to hospital to give birth to Baby J, Little N has spent every single day with me. So this was an enormous deal for us. Mostly for me!
Happy Days: A Big Deal

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and to be loved"
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day.
This week saw my biggest parenting milestone ever: Little N started preschool on Wednesday! You may be thinking, why is that a big deal, surely all kids start at some point? Yes, that is true. But not all kids have spent every day of their life, except for one, with their mother. Apart from when I went to hospital to give birth to Baby J, Little N has spent every single day with me. So this was an enormous deal for us. Mostly for me!
Beautiful Births is back! I absolutely love reading birth stories as every experience is so unique, and after sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their beautiful birth stories with me, too. If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email
or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week one of my favourite bloggers, Laura from Life With Baby Kicks, is sharing her birth story. Our children are mere months apart in age, so we often share the same trials and tribulations of motherhood. It seems we shared similar birth experiences as well...

This week one of my favourite bloggers, Laura from Life With Baby Kicks, is sharing her birth story. Our children are mere months apart in age, so we often share the same trials and tribulations of motherhood. It seems we shared similar birth experiences as well...

Beautiful Births #12 - Laura's Induction & Emergency C-Section
Beautiful Births is back! I absolutely love reading birth stories as every experience is so unique, and after sharing my own two very different birth experiences [emergency c-section and natural VBAC] I decided to ask other mums and dads to share their beautiful birth stories with me, too. If you’d like to share your birth story, send me an email
or get in touch via Twitter or Facebook.
This week one of my favourite bloggers, Laura from Life With Baby Kicks, is sharing her birth story. Our children are mere months apart in age, so we often share the same trials and tribulations of motherhood. It seems we shared similar birth experiences as well...

This week one of my favourite bloggers, Laura from Life With Baby Kicks, is sharing her birth story. Our children are mere months apart in age, so we often share the same trials and tribulations of motherhood. It seems we shared similar birth experiences as well...

Last year I set myself five goals for the rest of the year, small things that I wanted to do each month to make myself and my family happier. They were to crochet more, bake more, spend more quality time together, have more manicures and do some life laundry. I achieved one out five of those goals! Big oops.

It's not my fault. Making the jump from one child to two was harder than I expected, and my blog took off, too, so I felt like I was constantly up against it. Things like crocheting and baking went out of the window, as did the manicures. The life laundry was just down to me being lazy. I have loads of the boys' old clothes and toys to sort through but it is so time-consuming, so I keep putting it off!
Little Goals for 2016 | Bloom & Wild Review
Last year I set myself five goals for the rest of the year, small things that I wanted to do each month to make myself and my family happier. They were to crochet more, bake more, spend more quality time together, have more manicures and do some life laundry. I achieved one out five of those goals! Big oops.

It's not my fault. Making the jump from one child to two was harder than I expected, and my blog took off, too, so I felt like I was constantly up against it. Things like crocheting and baking went out of the window, as did the manicures. The life laundry was just down to me being lazy. I have loads of the boys' old clothes and toys to sort through but it is so time-consuming, so I keep putting it off!

"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it"
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy has been running this linky for a long while now and I am thrilled to be co-hosting with her. This linky is to inspire you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and find happiness in every day.
Happy Days: Quiet Winter & New Beginnings

"The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it"
Welcome to Happy Days! Katy has been running this linky for a long while now and I am thrilled to be co-hosting with her. This linky is to inspire you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and find happiness in every day.
When I first joined Instagram I didn't have a clue what I was doing. A bit like when I joined all the other social media platforms! I took photos of random things and just uploaded them without much thought. Over the last couple of months I have put more thought into my shots, refining my feed and become rather obsessed with the app!
Introducing #MyHappyCapture Instagram Project
When I first joined Instagram I didn't have a clue what I was doing. A bit like when I joined all the other social media platforms! I took photos of random things and just uploaded them without much thought. Over the last couple of months I have put more thought into my shots, refining my feed and become rather obsessed with the app!
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