My 10 Best Laundry Tips, Tricks & Hacks

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With six people's laundry to do, it can often feel like a never-ending task. I do actually enjoy doing it, the weirdo that I am. I find it therapeutic and just love the smell of fresh laundry. I still want to be efficient though! Here are my 10 favourite laundry tricks, hacks and tips.

1. Put a laundry basket or hamper in each bedroom. These ones are great for kids*and are only £1.20. I used to put everything in one basket in our bedroom, but now the children are older - and there are more of them - it means I won't be picking up clothes from all over the house. Except for Ian's. He leaves his clothes everywhere.

2. Separate your laundry. I sort my laundry by colour: whites, lights and darks, so that whites stay white and colours stay bright. I do separate washes for towels, bed linen and cloth nappies as these are done without fabric softener. 

3. If clothes are "clean" dirty - and by that I mean they need a freshen up but they're not grubby or stained - I put them on a quick cycle.

4. And if I need an even quicker wash, my machine has the option to wash a couple of things on a 15 minute cycle! Great for emergency school uniform washes! 

5. Bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda if you're in the US, helps whiten whites and removes odours. Add half a cup when you add your detergent. You can buy in bulk for a few quid*..

6. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the rinse cycle of your bed linen for a relaxing nighttime scent.

7. Adding a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle will help soften your laundry. Great for towels! 

8. If you line dry your clothes, give them a shake before hanging to reduce the creases and make ironing easier.

9. Speaking of line drying, hanging your clothes in sunlight will get rid of most stains. Honestly!

10. And if you tumble dry, pop a dry towel in with your wet clothes and remove about 15 minutes. The towel will absorb some of the moisture meaning your clothes will dry quicker!

Hotpoint's Smart+ Washing Machine brings high level efficiency and performance to your laundry routine with its spacious drum, A+++ energy rating and ability to remove over 100 stains at just 20 degrees!

What are your best laundry tips, tricks and hacks?

*This is a collaborative post with Hotpoint. Quite Frankly She Said is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
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