Little Goals for 2016 | Bloom & Wild Review

Last year I set myself five goals for the rest of the year, small things that I wanted to do each month to make myself and my family happier. They were to crochet more, bake more, spend more quality time together, have more manicures and do some life laundry. I achieved one out five of those goals! Big oops. 

It's not my fault. Making the jump from one child to two was harder than I expected, and my blog took off, too, so I felt like I was constantly up against it. Things like crocheting and baking went out of the window, as did the manicures. The life laundry was just down to me being lazy. I have loads of the boys' old clothes and toys to sort through but it is so time-consuming, so I keep putting it off!

I'm not going to let last year's failure put me off though. I'm carrying some of my goals forward into 2016 and I've also got some new changes for this year! Again, they are just small things that I can aim to do each month to put a smile on mine and my family's faces.

Little Goals for 2016

1. Time with Baby J
That probably sounds odd as J spends every single day with me, but I have never done any of the groups and activities that I did with Little N. Poor Baby J has just tagged along to whatever it was that I had arranged for his big brother to do. Now that Little N has started preschool it means that I have a few hours several times a week that I can dedicate to doing something lovely with J. He loves music and he loves to dance, so I'm on the lookout for a dance group that I can take him to. 

2. The year of Sian
I've spent the last 3 years in non-stop mum-mode. Don't get me wrong, I adore my children. But it would be good to have an hour a week that is time just for me. To read a chapter of a book, apply a face mask, pop for a coffee with a friend, anything as long as it is time for me. I'd like to start some hobbies again. This week I bought some dip pens and ink as I want to learn how to do modern calligraphy, and I'd like to get back into paper cutting. 

3. Swimming
I learnt to swim at school but then had an incident when I was 10 and thought I was going to drown. I've been nervous of water ever since then. Little N started swimming lessons last month and it got me thinking. When we go on family holidays I don't want to be sat at the side of the pool watching everyone else enjoy themselves; I want to be in the pool with them! I think if I go back to basics and have swimming lessons again perhaps that will help me overcome my nerves. 

4. Fresh flowers
Nothing brightens my home and my mood like a beautiful bunch of flowers. I usually get flowers from Ian for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, but tend not to buy them the rest of the year and I have no idea why as I adore them! I definitely want to have fresh flowers in my home all the time. Bloom & Wild sent me one of their letterbox bouquets, The Clara, over Christmas and the beautiful wintery blooms brought a smile to my face every time I walked in the room. I love letterbox flowers and gifts and I often send them to other people. It's lovely to receive them too sometimes! 

5. Quality time
This is the only goal from 2015 that I managed to stick to and I want to continue with it through 2016. Ian and I don't get much time together, and my boys don't get much time with him either as he works so much. We make an effort on Sundays to do something nice together. Be it a meal out, a walk in the woods, a trip to the park or simply a nice lunch at home, it's good to switch off from the world and enjoy time together. Ian and I have even started finding time to go out together without the children! 

What small things do you hope to achieve in 2016?

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*I was kindly gifted the Clara bouquet by Bloom & Wild.
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