Review: Holistic Kitchen Snooze Balm

Last summer I had the pleasure of trying out several products from the Holistic Kitchen's gorgeous range which you can read all about here. Holistic Kitchen is the creation of Sallyanne, a massage therapist who drew on her knowledge and expertise to handcraft a range of household and skincare products made with natural, raw ingredients. Snooze Balm is Holistic Kitchen's best selling product and I was kindly sent some to try. 

This beautiful smelling little pot is made with organic shea butter, organic cocoa buter, vitamin E oil, almond oil, coconut oil and beeswax, and contains a blend of lavender, orange, roman chamomile, ylang ylang, marjoram and sandlewood. These particular oils have been chosen because they are know to help settle the mind and relax the body.

Lavender relaxes the mind and combats stress, orange creates feelings of happiness and warmth, ylang ylang has a calming effect, Roman chamomile helps induce a good night's sleep, marjoram is good for balancing emotions and sandalwood grounds the mind and eases tension. This blend makes Holistic Kitchen Snooze Balm perfect, not just for bedtimes, but also for calming the mind during the day. It can be used to calm nerves before a big meeting or settle children who have gotten upset.

Holistic Kitchen Snooze Balm is suitable for use on babies from 6 months old and it's even safe for use during pregnancy from the second trimester. I have been using it on J, who's now 16 months old, at bedtimes to try to help him get off to a good night's sleep. He's had a run of colds and has had several new teeth come through which have all made him quite unsettled at bedtime recently. 

Sallyanne suggests rubbing some of the balm onto the soles of the feet and the temples at bedtime. With J I have just been putting it on his feet, and doing that is such a calming act in itself. I think he is settling much easier at bedtime (except for one night last week when he was wide awake until 11.30 - what was that all about!) and it coincidentally he has been dropping his nighttime feeds. He does still wake at night, and that's completely normal for a little one his age, but he is not so fretful and settles back to sleep easily.

What I use Snooze Balm for the most though is myself, during the day! I am not great at dealing with stressed and easily get overwhelmed. I find it soothing to take a moment and breathe in the scent of the balm. It's such a simple and quick way to feel calm and grounded again. 

Pop over to Holistic Kitchen to find out more about Snooze Balm or any of the other yummy products; Magic Foo Spray is definitely on my list if I have another baby! You can find Holistic Kitchen on Facebook, too.

What are your tips for a blissful night's sleep?

*I was kindly sent Holistic Kitchen Snooze Balm to review.
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