Happy Days: Bluebells & Sweet Kisses


Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy. 

“How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em”

Bluebells at Hitchwood, Preston, Hertfordshire

This week I have loved:

  • Meeting with the Debenhams PR team and some other bloggers for lunch to talk about a new campaign I'm involved with - more to come on that next month! 

  • Taking J on a belated Easter egg hunt organised by the NCT while Little N was at football. He had so much fun decorating his little paper bag then running through the woods hunting for the colourful eggs. He especially loved getting his chocolate egg at the end! And I loved the one on one time I had with him.

  • My pea shoots and spinach seedlings coming through, hurrah! I might have some carrot seedlings as well, I am not sure after Little N decided to "help dig" my neat little rows. I'm particularly excited about the pea shoots as they are going to form the living den I've built!

  • J being especially sweet by wanting to hold my hand all the time and going "mmmm-ah!" when he gives me kisses.

  • Hunting for bluebells in the local woods. They are out early this year, so I took the boys to the woods to see them. They are magnificent and once again I feel so lucky to live where I do. I'll be sharing more photos on a blog post next week.

  • New clothes! Joules have got 25% off in-store and online until Sunday if you use promo code HOORAY16. I got a top for me, a sweater for Little N and a cute two-piece dungarees and tee set for J.

It's my birthday on Sunday so I am looking forward to going out for lunch and hopefully being spoilt. Have a lovely weekend!

Quite Frankly She Said

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