Review: Hape Walk-A-Long Puppy

I used to have this idea that my children would only have a few select toys, that they would be educational somehow, and that they would be themed so I could rotate them each day. Ha! Fast forward three years and my living room looks like a Toys'R'Us lorry crashed into it, so I am trying to go back to my original idea of quality over quantity. I'm also trying to choose toys that help my children learn and develop in some way, as well as being fun to play with, and ideally toys that both my three year old and one year old can enjoy. Their new Hape Walk-A-Long Puppy ticks all those boxes.

Hape are a really lovely company with a great business ethos. Their toys are made from natural, sustainable materials and water-based paints, and are made to last so that they bring years of fun. Through simple act of playing, children learn social, sensory, physical, and emotional skills. 

The adorable plywood puppy has a waggly tail and ears that spin, and the head and back legs move around as the toy is pushed and pulled along in different directions on it's rubber gripped wheels. It is brightly painted in red which is Little N's favourite colour and has big cute eyes. It's really well made and feels like a very durable toy; with two lively boys our toys need to be able stand up to a lot of wear and tear! 

The boys have loved playing with their new puppy. It's suitable for children over 12 months old, but it's interesting to see how differently they play with it. J, who is one, loves to take the puppy for walks. He delights in seeing the back legs wibble-wobble as he pulls it along by the rope. Little N, who is three, prefers to actively play and engage with the puppy, creating stories and interacting with it, treating it as a pet. It's lovely to see how their imagination has been totally captivated by this little puppy.

The Hape Walk-A-Long Puppy is a great toy for sparking creativity and role-playing for toddlers and preschoolers, and you can find it at Babipur where it's currently on offer for just £12.59. 

What kind of toys do your children like? Do you go for the "less is more" approach?

I was provided with a review sample.
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