Welcome to Happy Days! Katy and I host this linky with the purpose of inspiring you to make the most of each day, no matter what you've been up to, and to find happiness in every day. It's where I share the little moments that have brought me joy.
“Rainy days are good for the soul.”

Half term has been a bit of a let down as it has been raining a lot, so the children and I have spent most of the week at home. There have been a lot of happy moments though:
- We went to our friends' house for a BBQ over the bank holiday weekend. I love BBQ season - which for us is basically as soon as it's not freezing cold anymore. Food just tastes so much better when it's cooked on coals.
- My friend had her baby, a gorgeous little boy! I can't want to see her and meet the new addition. Congratulations, Jo!
- We got J a duvet for his toddler bed. He's been using either a sleeping bag or blankets until now. The first morning after getting it, Little N came running to tell me that he had made J's bed for him. These two boys are so sweet to each other, Mostly!
- It's National Breastfeeding Celebration Week 20th-27th June, and I was nominated to write a blog post for Public Health England on my perspective as a peer supporter. I was thrilled to hear that my post has been chosen as one that will be published during the celebration week. You can find the other posts I've written about breastfeeding here.
- Little N is starting to recognise letters. I've not been teaching him, but he pointed out the letters G and O on the cereal box and said "Mummy, it's like Goosebumps!"
- I got a really lovely email from a company I'm working with that was full of wonderful, positive feedback. It's so nice when someone makes the effort like that and it really made my day.
- My Nanna came to visit and surprised me with a herb tray so I can grow herbs on the windowsill. She had seen me tweeting about wanting grow herbs - yes my Nanna is on Twitter, so trendy!
- I received a gorgeous bundle of new clothes from Lottie & Lysh, who the boys are brand reps for. Keep your eyes peeled on the blog and on Instagram to see how we style them.
- We managed a trip to the farm and the boys had a lovely time saying hello to all the animals. They got to feed the lambs, brush a pony and had a lot of fun jumping in muddy puddles. We also had a bit of a heart-in-throat moment, like the Cincinatti zoo incident, but at the farm not a zoo, and involving geese not gorillas. You can find out what happened here..
This weekend we are heading to a pirate-themed party for my friend's son's fourth birthday. I met my friend when her son was just ten months old and honestly, I can't believe he is turning four already. Where does the time go? Have fun whatever you're up to!
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