A New Adventure Begins: Announcing Baby #3

I'm absolutely delighted to let you in on what has been a very difficult secret to keep over the past nine weeks: Ian and I are expecting our third baby together, affectionately known as Pip, who is due in April 2017! Ever since we found out I have been desperate to make our pregnancy announcement, but wanted to wait until our first pregnancy scan.


We were on holiday at Bluestone in July when I found out our exciting news. The day we set off for our holiday, my period started, a week early. Or so I thought. The next day it stopped. I posted in a mummy group on Facebook saying how typical it was and that I bet it would come on full force while I was at the pool. A friend said, "could it be implantation bleeding?" "Oh no," I said, "I am spotty and crabby so it's definitely my period." However, she had planted the seed in my head so I secretly bought a pregnancy test to do if my period didn't restart by the end of the holiday.

While we were at Bluestone, Ian had booked me in for a thermal spa experience. I had used the spa facilities the year before and loved it so I was really looking forward to it. Until I walked out of the second sauna, and almost fainted. The room span and I just caught myself in time before I hit the floor. Okay, I thought, something is defnitely up! 

I cut my spa trip short and got dressed. Before I left I nipped to the loo and quickly did one of the secret pregnancy tests. Now, considering this was 5pm and if I was pregnant it would be extremely early, I expected a negative result to show up. 

If you've ever done a pregnancy test, you'll know they say to wait two minutes for the result. Well, within seconds of peeing on the stick, I had a positive result. Oh my days!

I skipped back to our lodge, excited to tell Ian. Except when I tried, the words wouldn't come out. Instead, I stood there grinning like a maniac! 

"What have you done?" he asked.

"What have you done?!" That was all I could say, before pretty much collapsing in a fit of giggles.

The penny dropped and Ian said, "oh my god, are you pregnant?!!" 

"Yessss!" I wailed, before bursting into tears. 

And that's the story of how we found out that we're expecting another precious bundle of joy!

What do you think of our pregnancy announcement?

Make sure you're following so you can keep up with my pregnancy journey, as I'll be sharing everything along the way. 

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