Annoying Things People Say to Mums and Dads of Boys


I love my boys. I love being a mum to boys. I'm sure I'd equally love being a mum to girls, but two sons are what I have and they are my world. They bring me nothing but joy (and sleep deprivation, and chaos, and mess, but hey, let's not dwell on that). Boys are awesome and I am a lucky mama. So why do so many people say stuff that implies that life has somehow short-changed me? As if I need a daughter to make my life complete? Here are some of the things that have actually been said to me, and some of the things that other bloggers, friends and readers have had said to them too.

Annoying Things People Say to Mums of Boys

"I bet you want a girl this time. You must want a girl because you're so girly." Said by a friend during my second pregnancy. 

"You will have to have another one so you get a girl!" From a well-meaning (?) relative after announcing the birth of my second baby boy.

"So, what did you have? Oh dear. Never mind." The disappointment from my next door neighbour upon hearing that I'd had a second son.

"Maybe you'll be third time lucky." Said the random woman in Tesco who stopped to peek at my toddler and sleeping baby, and asked if baby was a girl. 

"I don't envy you, boys are so messy!" Not as messy as my darling stepdaughter, let me tell you dear stranger at toddler group! 

"Boys are so much harder/easier/whatever than girls." Said by the world and his dog. Enough with the gender stereotyping thank you please! 

And it's not just me. I posted on Facebook and Instagram to see if others experience this, and guess what? They do! Here are some of the gems that other people have heard.

"Another boy! What you trying for a football team?" Said to Beverley, mum of three.

"Lucky you getting a boy and a girl! When I had my second and it was another boy I felt like moving out!" Said to Lucy, mum of two.

"We want a girl this time", "keep trying until you get a girl." Said to Jo, mum of three.

"So you'll be trying again for a girl?" Said to Laura, mum of two.

"You'll be old and lonely when they get wives and girlfriends." Said to Jen, mum of two.

And it turns out even if you do have a mixture of boys and girls, the comments keep coming!

"Ooh perfect, one of each." Said to Emily, mum of two.

"Lucky you, you'll have the pigeon pair", "I bet you're happy", "no need to have a third now." Said to Loz, mum of two.

"You'll have to have another boy, you can't leave Luka as the only boy." Said to Susanne, mum of four.

"You've got a gentleman's family, you don't need anymore as you've got one of each." Said to Emma, mum of two.

So it seems whether you have boys, girls, an even mix, a complete jumble or just the one, people will always have something to say! 

Have people ever said things like this to you? Let me know in the comments!

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